
2 Corinthians_Chapter 7

Dear brothers, since we have these promises, let us purify ourselves, remove all impurities from our bodies and souls, fear God, and be sanctified.

You should be generous in accommodating us. We have not mistreated anyone, not corrupted anyone, and not taken advantage of anyone.

I am not saying this to condemn you. I have already said that you are always in our hearts, willing to live and die with you.

I speak boldly to you all. I am filled with comfort because of your many praises. We are exceptionally happy in all difficulties.

When we arrived in Macedonia, our bodies did not rest, and we were surrounded by troubles, with war outside and fear inside.

But the God who comforts the discouraged comforted us through Titus.

Not only through him, but also through the comfort he has received from you, he has comforted us. Because he has told me about your longing, mourning, and kindness towards me, making me even more joyful.

I wrote a letter earlier to express your sorrow. Although I later regretted it, now I do not regret it. Because I know that the letter caused you sorrow, but it was only temporary.

Now I am joyful not because of your sorrow, but because you have given birth to regret from your sorrow. You will mourn according to God’s will, so that we will not suffer losses in all things.

Because of sorrow according to God’s will, there arises regret without regret, leading to salvation. But worldly sorrow is what calls death.

You see, you are grieving according to God’s will, and from then on you have given birth to such diligence, self confession, self hatred, fear, longing, enthusiasm, and self blame. In all of these things, you have declared yourself pure.

Although I have written to you before, it is not for those who have wronged us, nor for those who have been wronged, but to show your concern for our zeal before God.

Therefore we have received comfort, and in comfort, because all of you have made Titus happy and joyful in his heart, we are even more joyful.

If I praise you for anything to Titus, I don’t feel ashamed. Because my words of praise to Titus have become true. As I said to you, it is also true.

And when Titus remembered the obedience of all of you, how he received him with fear and trembling, his love for you grew even hotter.

I am delighted now that I can rest assured for you in all things.

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