
2 Corinthians_Chapter 6

We, who work with God, also advise you not to accept His grace in vain.

Because he said, at the time of acceptance, I agreed to you. On the day of salvation, I rescued you. Look, now is the time for acceptance, now is the day of salvation.

We do not let anyone hinder us in everything, so as not to be slandered in this position.

But in all things, proclaiming oneself as God’s servant is like in many things of patience, trouble, poverty, and hardship,

Whipping, imprisonment, disturbance, diligence, vigilance, refusal to eat,

Integrity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the influence of the Holy Spirit, and sincere love,

The true truth, the power of God. Renyi’s weapons are on the left and right.

Glory and shame, infamy and fame. Seemingly tempting, but honest.

Seemingly unknown, but widely known. Seems to be dying but still alive. Seemingly punished, but not to the point of death.

Seemingly sad, but often happy. It seems poor, but it makes many people wealthy. It seems like there is nothing, but there is everything.

O Corinthians, our mouths are open and our hearts are open to you.

You are narrow-minded, not caring about us, but about your own narrow heart.

You should still repay me with a generous heart. My words are exactly what I said to my own child.

Do not bear the same yoke as those who do not believe. What intersection does righteousness and injustice have? What is the connection between light and darkness?

What is the harmony between Christ and Peter (which is also the alias of Satan)? What is the connection between believers and non believers?

What are the similarities between God’s temple and idols? Because we are the temple of the living God. Just as God once said, I will dwell among them and come and go among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

And he said, Come out from among them, separate yourselves from them, and do not touch unclean things, and I will accept you.

I will be your father, and you will be my children. This is what the Almighty Lord said.

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