
2 Corinthians_Chapter 4

Since we have received this duty with mercy, we will not lose heart.

But I have abandoned those shameful and dark things, and will not be deceitful or speak the word of God falsely. Only proclaim the truth, so that I may present myself to the conscience of all before God.

If our gospel is blinded, it is blinded to those who are perishing.

Such unbelievers have been blinded by the God of this world, not letting the light of the glorious gospel of Christ shine upon them. Christ is the image of God.

We are not preaching ourselves, but preaching Christ Jesus as the Lord, and we ourselves are your servants because of Jesus.

The God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has already shone in our hearts, so that we may know the glory of God and see it in the face of Jesus Christ.

We have this treasure in a clay vessel, to show that this great power is from God, not from us.

We are surrounded by enemies on all sides, but not trapped. Difficulties in the heart, but not disappointments.

Forced but not abandoned. Down, but not to death.

Always carrying the death of Jesus with us, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in us.

For we, who live, are constantly delivered up to death for Jesus, so that his life may be revealed in us who are bound to die,

It seems that death is initiated on us, but life is initiated on you.

But since we have faith, as it is written, I speak in this way because of faith. We also believe, so we also speak.

I know that he who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us together with Jesus and make us stand before him with you.

All things are for you, so that grace may increase in number, and thanksgiving may increase even more, so that glory may come to God.

So we don’t lose heart. Although the external body is destroyed, the inner world is changing day by day.

Our temporary to light suffering will bring us immense eternal glory.

It turns out that we are not concerned about what we see, but about what we do not see. Because what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal.

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