首页 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians_Chapter 13

2 Corinthians_Chapter 13

This is my third time going to your place. With the testimony of two or three people, ever…

This is my third time going to your place. With the testimony of two or three people, every sentence must be accurate.

I have said before, but now when I am not with you, I say, just as I said when I saw you the second time, to those who have sinned and to others, that if I come again, I will not tolerate.

Since you are seeking evidence for Christ to speak in me, I will not tolerate it. Because Christ is not weak in you. Among you, there is great power.

He was crucified because of his weakness, but he still lives because of the power of God. We are also weak with him, but we will also live with him because of the power that God has shown you.

You must always check for yourself whether you have confidence. You also need to experiment on your own. Do you not know that if you are not to be rejected, Jesus Christ is in your hearts?

I hope you know that we are not disposable people.

We pray to God that you will not do any evil. This is not to show that we are accepted, but to make you behave properly and let others see us as being rejected.

We cannot resist the truth in everything, we can only assist the truth.

Even if we are weak and you are strong, we still rejoice. And what we seek is for you to be perfect people.

So when I am not with you, I will write these words to you, so that when I see you, I will not treat you harshly according to the authority given to me by the Lord. This authority was originally intended to cultivate people, not to destroy them.

And in the end, may all brothers rejoice. To be a perfect person. Be comforted. We must work together with one heart and one mind. To be harmonious with each other. Such a loving and peaceful God will always be with you.

Say hello with a kiss. We must be holy to each other.

All the saints greet you.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you all.




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