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Samuel’s note_Chapter 18

David numbered the people who followed him and appointed commanders of thousands and hundr…

David numbered the people who followed him and appointed commanders of thousands and hundreds to lead them.

David sent his army to battle and divided them into three teams: one team under the command of Joab, one team under Abishai the son of Zeruiah and Joab’s brother, and one team under the command of Ether the Gittite. David said to the army, “I will go to war with you.”.

The soldiers said, “You cannot go to war.”. If we run away, the enemy will not mind. We were half killed in battle, and the enemy didn’t mind. Because you are like ten thousand of us, why don’t you prepare to help us in the city.

The king said to them, Whatever you think is good, I will do it. So the king stood by the city gate, and the army and soldiers went out one by one in a hundred or a thousand places.

The king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ether, saying, Be kind to the young man Absalom for my sake. The king’s instructions to the generals for Absalom were heard by all the soldiers.

The soldiers went out to the field to face the Israelites and fought in the forest of Ephraim.

The Israelites were defeated before David’s servants. Many people died in action that day, totaling 20000.

Because there were battles on all sides, more people died in the forest than in the sword.

Absalom met David’s servant by chance. Absalom rode a mule and passed under the dense branches of a large oak tree. His hair was wrapped around the branches and he hung it up, and the mule he was riding on departed from him.

Someone saw it and told Joab, “I saw Absalom hanging on an oak tree.”.

Joab said to the messenger, “Since you saw him, why didn’t you kill him and drop him to the ground?”? If you kill him, I will reward you with ten shekels of silver and a belt.

The man said to Joab, Even if I receive a thousand shekels of silver from you, I dare not reach out my hand to harm the king’s son. For we have heard the king charge you, Abishai, and Ether, saying, Be careful not to harm the young man Absalom.

If I recklessly harm his life, even you will be an enemy of me. It turns out that nothing can be concealed from the king.

Joab said, I cannot linger with you. Joab held three short spears in his hand and pierced Absalom’s heart while he was still alive on the oak tree.

Ten young men who armed Joab surrounded Absalom and killed him.

Joab blew the horn and stopped the crowd, so they returned and no longer pursued the Israelites.

They threw Absalom into a large pit in the forest and piled up a pile of stones on top. All Israel fled and went back to their homes.

When Absalom was alive, he erected a stone pillar in the Valley of Kings, because he said, I have no son to leave a name for me. And he called the pillar of Absalom by his own name, even to this day.

And Ahimaaz, the son of Zadok, said, Let me run and bring back to King Zhi the news of the Lord’s revenge against his enemies.

Joab said to him, “You are not to go and report today, but you can report another day.”. Because the king’s son died today, you cannot go and report it.

Joab said to the people of Ethiopia, Go and tell the king what you have seen. The people of Gushi bowed before Joab and ran away.

And Ahimaaz, the son of Zadok, said to Joab, Nevertheless, let me run after the people of Cush. Joab said, My son, you have reported this information, and since you cannot reward it, why should you run away?

He said again, no matter what, I will run. Joab said, “Run away.”. Then Ahimaz ran forward from the plain and passed by the people of Ethiopia.

David is sitting in the city jar. The watchman went up to the top of the city gate tower, looked up, and saw a person running alone.

The watchman loudly told the king. The king said, If he comes alone, he will surely give a message. The person ran closer and closer.

The watchman saw another person running towards him and said to the gatekeeper, “There is another person running alone.”. The king said, This must also be a messenger.

The watchman said, “I see the running of the person ahead, just like the running of Ahimaaz, the son of Zadok.”. Wang said that he is a good person and must have reported good information.

Ahimaz called out to the king, saying, Peace is come. And he bowed before the king with his face to the ground, saying, Praise be to the Lord your God, for he has delivered the man who raised his hand against my lord the king.

The king asked, “Is the young man Absalom safe?”. Ahimaaz replied, “Joab sent the king’s servants, and at that time the servants heard a loud commotion among the people, but they did not know what it was.”.

Wang said, “Step back and stand beside me.”. He retreated and stood beside him.

And the people of Cush also came, saying, There is news to be reported to my lord the king. The Lord has avenged you today against all those who have risen up against you.

The king asked the people of Gushi, “Is the young man Absalom safe?”. The Gushite replied, “May my lord the king’s enemies and all those who rise up to kill you be like the young man.”.

The king went up to the city gate to mourn, feeling a deep sorrow in his heart. As he walked, he said, “My son Absalom.”. My son, my son Absalom. I wish I could die for you, Absalom, my son. My son.


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