首页 Samuel I Samuel I_Chapter 9

Samuel I_Chapter 9

There was a Benjamite named Kish, who was the great grandson of Ephiah, the great grandson…

There was a Benjamite named Kish, who was the great grandson of Ephiah, the great grandson of Bicola, the grandson of Zeroth, and the son of Abel. He was a mighty warrior.

He had a son named Saul, who was strong and handsome, and there was no one among the Israelites who could match him. My body is one head taller than the people.

Saul’s father Kish lost several donkeys, and he commanded his son Saul, saying, Take a servant with you to search for the donkeys.

Saul passed through the mountains of Ephraim and the land of Shalishah, but he did not find them. After passing through the land of Shalin, the donkey is not there either. It has passed through the land of Benjamin again and has not been found yet.

When he arrived in the land of Suph, Saul said to his servants who were with him, “Let’s go back, or my father may not be concerned about the donkey, but about us.”.

The servant said, There is a man of God in this city, whom everyone respects, and everything he says is fulfilled. We might as well go to him, or he can show us the path we should take.

Saul said to his servant, “If we go, what can we send to that person?”? We have eaten all the food in our bags and there is no gift to give to that divine person. What else do we have.

The servant replied to Saul, “I have a quarter of a shekel of silver in my hand, which I can give to the man of God. Please let him show us the way we should go.”.

(In the past, if anyone in Israel went to ask God, they would say, ‘Let us ask the seer.’ He who is now called a prophet was called the seer.)

Saul said to his servant, “You said, we can go.”. So they went to the city where the man of God lived.

They were going uphill to enter the city when they met several young women who came out to fetch water and asked them, “Is the seer here?”.

The woman replied, “Here, he is in front of you.”. Go quickly. He is coming to the city today because the people are going to offer sacrifices at the high places.

Before he goes up to the high altar to eat the sacrifice, as soon as you enter the city, you will find him. Because he has not yet arrived, the people cannot eat. They will wait for him to offer sacrifices before inviting guests to eat. Now go up, and you will meet him at this time.

The two of them will go up. As they were about to enter the city, Samuel was meeting them and going up to the high altar.

On the day before Saul arrived, the Lord had instructed Samuel, saying,

At this time tomorrow, I will bring a man from the land of Benjamin to you, and you will anoint him as the ruler of my people Israel. He will save my people from the hands of the Philistines. Because the cry of my people has reached me, I have visited them.

When Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said to him, “See, this man is what I said to you: he will rule over my people.”.

Saul walked up to Samuel at the city gate and said, “Please tell me where the seer’s residence is.”.

Samuel replied, “I am the seer.”. Go up to the high altar in front of me, for you will sit with me today. Tomorrow morning I will take you there and tell you everything in your heart.

As for the donkeys you lost three days ago, you don’t have to worry in your heart. You have already found them. Who is the admiration of all Israel? Isn’t it admiration for you and your father’s whole family?

Saul said, Am I not a Benjamin, the youngest of the tribes of Israel? Isn’t my home the smallest of the Benjamin tribe? Why did you say such things to me?

Samuel led Saul and his servants into the living room and made them sit first among the guests invited. There are about thirty guests.

Samuel said to the cook, “The portion of sacrificial meat I gave you for storage can now be brought.”.

The cook took the stored legs and set them in front of Saul. Samuel said, “This is what has been left behind, let it be placed in front of you.”. Eat it. Because when I invited the people, I deliberately kept this meat for you until now. On that day, Saul sat at the table with Samuel.

Everyone came down from the high altar into the city, and Samuel and Saul spoke on the roof.

The next morning, at dawn, Saul stood on the roof. Samuel called to him and said, Get up so that I can take you back. So Saul got up and went out with Samuel.

When the two of them went down to the corner of the city, Samuel said to Saul, “Tell your servants to go first.”. Stand here and wait for me to speak the word of God to you.


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