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Romans_Chapter 16

I would like to recommend our sister Phoebe to you. She is a female deacon in the Church o…

I would like to recommend our sister Phoebe to you. She is a female deacon in the Church of Chalcedon.

Please receive her as the Lord, in accordance with the tradition of a saint. Whatever she needs your help with, you should help her. Because she has always helped many people and also helped me.

Greet Priscilla and Aquila. They work with me in Christ Jesus,

Also, for my life, set aside my neck. Not only do I thank them, but also the churches of the Gentiles.

Salute the church in their home again. Greet my dear Ebeneitus. He is the first fruit of Christ in Asia.

Salute Mary again. She has suffered a lot for you.

Salute Andronius and Junea, who were also imprisoned with me, to my relatives. They are renowned among the apostles and were in Christ before me.

Ask my beloved Ambrian in the Lord again.

Greet Urbanus, who works with us in Christ, and my beloved Stachyus.

Ask Abillian, who has been tested in Christ. Greet the people of Aridob’s family.

Greetings to my relative Hero again. Greet the people of the Naqi family in the Lord.

Salute the laboring families of Tufina and Tufusa. May I ask dear Peter, who has suffered a lot for the Lord.

Greet Lu Fu and his mother, who were chosen in the Lord. His mother is my mother.

Salute Asochitus, Pholcan, Hermi, Babrobas, Hema, and their brothers who are with them.

Salute Philologus, Julia, Neriah, his sister, Arimba, and all the saints who are with them.

Greet each other with a kiss, and be holy to each other. All the churches of Christ greet you.

Brothers, I urge you to pay attention and avoid those who have separated you and caused you to fall, deviating from the way you have learned.

Because such people do not serve our Lord Christ, but only their own belly. Use sweet words to seduce the hearts of honest people.

Your obedience has already been passed down to everyone, so I am delighted for you. But I want you to be wise in good and foolish in evil.

The God of peace is about to trample Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Timothy, who works with me, and my relatives Lucius, Jason, and Sozebad, greet you.

Dedius, who wrote this letter, greets you in the Lord.

Gaius, who received me and the whole church, greets you.

Erastus, who is in charge of the treasury in the city, and his brother Kuotu greet you.

Only God can strengthen your hearts according to the gospel I preach, and according to the prophecy of Jesus Christ, and according to the mystery hidden forever.

This mystery has now been revealed, and according to the command of the living God, it has been revealed to the people of all nations through the books of the prophets, so that they may believe in the truth.

May glory be to the One and all wise God through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.




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