
Romans_Chapter 14

Accept those who have weak faith, but do not argue about what you doubt.

Some people believe that everything can be eaten. But that weak one only eats vegetables.

People who eat should not underestimate those who do not eat. People who do not eat cannot be judged as those who eat. Because God has already accepted him.

Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? He either stands or falls, and his master is there. And he also needs to stand still. Because the Lord can make him stand still.

Some people see this day as stronger than that day, while others see every day as the same. Everyone just needs to have a firm opinion in their hearts.

Those who observe the sun are those who observe the Lord. The one who eats is the one who eats for the Lord, because he is grateful to God. People who do not eat are those who do not eat for the Lord and thank God.

We don’t have anyone living for ourselves, nor do we have anyone dying for ourselves.

If we live, we live for the Lord. If he dies, he dies for the Lord. So whether we live or die, we are always the Lord’s people.

Therefore Christ died and lived again, to be the Lord of the dead and the living.

Why do you judge your brother as such? Why do you underestimate your brothers? Because we all have to stand in front of God’s platform.

It is written in the scripture that the Lord said, By my eternal life I swear, that every knee shall bow down to me, and every mouth shall acknowledge me.

It seems that each of us must explain our own affairs before God.

So we can no longer judge each other. It would rather be determined that no one would lay down a stumbling block for their brothers.

I am certain and convinced through the Lord Jesus that nothing is inherently unclean. But what a person considers unclean is unclean in him.

If you make your brothers sad because of food, you do not follow the way of your loved ones. Christ has died for him, do not let him be corrupted by your food.

Do not let your goodness be slandered by others.

For the kingdom of God does not care about food and drink, but only about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Those who serve Christ in these things are pleased with God and praised by men.

So we must pursue harmony and establish virtues with each other.

Do not destroy God’s works with food. All things are pure, but anyone who causes someone to fall due to food is his sin.

Whether it’s eating meat, drinking alcohol, or anything else that causes a brother to fall, it’s better not to do anything.

If you have faith, keep it before God. Blessed is a person who does not blame themselves for what they think is feasible.

If you eat with suspicion, you will be guilty. Because he eats, not out of faith. Anything that is not based on faith is sin.

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