
psalm_Chapter 75

“O God, we give thanks to you, we give thanks to you, because your name is similar, and everyone tells of your wonderful works.

When I come to the appointed date, I will carry out the judgment with integrity.

The ground and its residents have all digested it. I once erected pillars on the ground. (Fine pull)

I said to arrogant people, don’t act arrogantly. Tell the wicked not to raise their horns.

Don’t hold your horns high. Don’t speak with your neck straight.

Because Gao Ju did not come from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

Only God can determine. He humbles one person and elevates another.

The Lord has a cup in his hand. The wine froth in it. The cup is filled with mixed wine. He poured it out. All the wicked on the earth will drink the dross of this wine, and they will drink it up.

But I want to promote it forever. I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

I will cut off all the horns of the wicked. Only the horn of the righteous will be lifted up.

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