
Nehemiah_Chapter 5

The people and their wives shouted loudly, complaining against their brothers the Jews.

Some say that we and our children have a large population, and we need to go and get food to survive.

Some say that we have cultivated fields, vineyards, and houses to obtain food to satisfy our hunger.

Some say that we have already borrowed money from the fields and vineyards to pay taxes to the king.

Our bodies are the same as those of our brothers. Our children are just like their children. Now we will make our children servants, and our daughters are already servants. We are powerless to save, because our fields and vineyards have already been given to others.

I was very angry when I heard them shouting and saying these words.

I planned in my heart and rebuked the nobles and officials, saying, Each of you seeks profit from your brothers. So I gathered a meeting to attack them.

I said to them, ‘We will do our best to redeem our brothers, who are sold to the Jews of the Gentiles.’. Do you still want to sell your brothers so that we can redeem them? They remained silent and had nothing to answer.

I also said, Your actions are not good. Do you not act in awe of our God? Otherwise, it is inevitable that our enemies, the foreigners, will slander us.

I, along with my brothers and servants, also lent money and food to the people. We should all waive interest.

Now I urge you to return to them their fields, vineyards, olive groves, houses, as well as the silver, grain, new wine, and oil that you took from them, with one percent interest.

And they said, We will return it, and we will no longer demand it from them; we will do according to your words. I summoned the priests and made them swear that they would do as promised.

I also shook the hem of my chest and said, May God shake anyone who does not fulfill this promise, even so that he may shake away his possessions and the fruits of his labor, until they are emptied. All the congregation said, Amen. Praise the Lord again. The people did as promised.

Since I was appointed as the governor of the land of Judah, from the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes until the thirty second year, for a total of twelve years, neither I nor my brothers have received the salary of a governor.

Before me, the governor increased the burden on the people and demanded food, wine, and forty shekels of silver every day. Even their servants ruled over the people. But I do not do so because I fear God.

And I persisted in building the city walls, without buying any land. My servants also gathered there to work.

Except for the Jews who came from the surrounding nations, there were 150 Jewish civilians and officials eating at my table.

Prepare one bull, six fat sheep, and some birds every day. Every ten days, prepare various types of wine. Nevertheless, I do not want the salary of the governor, as the people serve heavily.

Remember all that I have done for this people, O my God, and be kind to me.

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