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nd Kings _Chapter 6

The prophetic disciples said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we live with you is t…

The prophetic disciples said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we live with you is too narrow.”,

Please allow us to go to the Jordan River, and each person will take a piece of wood from there to build a house and live there. He said, go ahead.

One person said, “Please go with your servant.”. Answer: I can go.

So Elisha went with them. When they arrived at the Jordan River, they cut down trees.

When a man was chopping a tree, his axe fell into the water and he called out, “Alas.”. My lord, this axe is borrowed.

The god asked, “Where did it fall?”. He showed the place to Elisha. Elisha cut a piece of wood and threw it into the water, and the axe floated up.

Elisha said, Take it up. The person reached out and picked it up.

The king of Aram was at war with the Israelites and consulted with his servants, saying, I will camp in a certain place.

The man of God sent messengers to the king of Israel, saying, Be careful not to pass through any place, for the Arameans have come down from there.

The king of Israel sent people to spy out the place where the man of God had warned him to go, and he was prepared not to be harmed by it, not just once or twice.

The king of Aram was taken aback by this matter and summoned his servants, saying to them, Do you not tell me who is here to help the king of Israel?

A servant said, My lord, my king. No one helped him, only the prophet Elisha of Israel told the king of Israel what he had said in his bedroom.

The king said, Go and find out where he is, so that I may send someone to capture him. Someone told Wang that he was in Dotan.

So the king sent chariots, horses, and a large army to go there. They arrived at night and besieged the city.

The servant of the divine man woke up early in the morning and saw the chariot, horse, and army besieging the city. The servant said to the man of God, Alas. My lord, what can we do?

The man of God said, Do not be afraid. There are more with us than with them.

Elisha prayed and said, O Lord, open the eyes of this young man so that he may see. The Lord opened his eyes, and he saw a mountain full of trains, fire, and horses surrounding Elisha.

When the enemy came down to Elisha, he prayed to the Lord, saying, “Please make these people’s eyes blind.”. And the Lord made their eyes faint, as Elisha had said.

Elisha said to them, “This is not that way, nor that city.”. Come with me, and I will lead you to the person you are looking for. So he led them to Samaria.

They entered Samaria, and Elisha prayed, saying, O Lord, open the eyes of these people so that they may see. The Lord opened their eyes and they saw, but it was in the city of Samaria.

When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “My father, can I kill them?”?

Answer: Do not kill them. Shall you not kill those whom you have captured with your sword and bow? Set food and drink before them, so that they may eat and drink and return to their masters.

The king prepared a lot of food for them. They finished eating and drinking, and sent them back to their master. From then on, the Aramaic army no longer violated the borders of Israel.

Afterwards, King Benhadad of Aram gathered his entire army and came up to besiege Samaria.

So Samaria was besieged, there was famine, and even a donkey’s head was worth eighty shekels of silver, and two liters of pigeon droppings were worth five shekels of silver.

One day, as the king of Israel passed by the city, a woman called out to him, saying, “My lord, my king.”. Please help.

The king said, Where will I help you, if the Lord does not help you. Is it from the field or from the winepress?

The king asked the woman, “What is your suffering?”. She replied, “This woman said to me, ‘Take your son and we can eat him today and eat him tomorrow.'”.

We cooked my son and ate it. The next day, I told her to bring your son and we can eat. But she hid her son.

When the king heard the woman’s words, he tore his clothes. The people saw Wang wearing linen clothes close to his body as he passed by the city.

The king said, If I let the head of Elisha, the son of Shaphat, remain on his neck today, may God punish me severely.

At that time, Elisha was sitting at home, and the elders were also sitting with him. The king sent someone to serve him. Before he arrived, Elisha said to the elders, ‘Look at this son of the murderer, send someone to behead me.’. As you watch the envoy arrive, close the door and use it to push him out. Isn’t there a sound of his master’s footsteps behind him?

As he was speaking, the messenger came, and the king also came, saying, This calamity is from the Lord; why should I look up to the Lord again?


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