
nd Kings _Chapter 5

Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, was greatly honored before his master, because the Lord had used him to bring victory to the Arameans. He is also a powerful warrior, but he has developed a leprosy.

Previously, the Arameans went out in groups and captured a young woman from the land of Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife.

She said to her mother, “I wish my master could go and see the prophet of Samaria, and I would be able to cure his leprosy.”.

Naaman went in and told his master, ‘This is what the women of the land of Israel say.’.

The king of Aram said, Go, and I will also believe in the king of Israel. So Naaman took ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten sets of clothing, and went away.

And bring a letter to the king of Israel, which says, I have sent my servant Naaman to see you. When you receive this letter, you will cure his leprosy.

When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, Am I God, who can cause death and life? This person actually sent someone to ask me to cure his leprosy. Take a look, why is this person seeking opportunities to attack me?

When Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent messengers to the king, saying, Why did you tear your clothes? May that person come to me, and he will know that there are prophets in Israel.

So Naaman brought his chariots and horses to Elisha’s house and stood at the door.

Elisha sent an envoy to Naaman, saying, Go and bathe in the Jordan River seven times, and your flesh will be restored and cleansed.

But Naaman was angry and left, saying, I believe he will surely come out to me, stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand above the affected area, and cure this leprosy.

Aren’t Abana and Pharpha, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Am I not allowed to bathe cleanly there? So he turned around angrily and went away.

His servant came forward and said to him, “My father, if the prophet commands you to do something great, will you not do it?”? Not to mention that you get clean by taking a shower.

So Naaman went down and bathed in the Jordan River seven times according to the word of the man of God. His flesh was restored, like the flesh of a child, and he became clean.

Naaman returned to the man of God with all his followers and stood before him, saying, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except for Israel.”. Now please accept some gifts from your servants.

Elisha said, As the Lord liveth, whom I serve, I will not accept it. Naaman begged him repeatedly, but he refused.

Naaman said, “If you refuse to accept it, please give your servant the soil carried by the two mules.”. From now on, servants will no longer offer burnt offerings or peace offerings to other gods, but only to the Lord.

There is only one thing, may the Lord forgive your servant. When my master enters the temple of Linmen to worship, I will hold him with my hand and bow down. May the Lord forgive me for bowing down in the temple of Linmen.

Elisha said to him, “Go back in peace.”. Naaman left him. Not far away,

And Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said in his heart, My master will not receive the gift that Naaman the Arameans brings from him. As the living Lord liveth, I will run after him and demand some from him.

So Gehazi chased after Naaman. Naaman saw someone chasing after him and quickly got off the car to meet him, saying, Is everything safe?

Say, everything is safe. My master sent me to say, “Just now, two young men, disciples of the prophets, came to me from Mount Ephraim. Please give them one talents of silver and two sets of clothing.”.

Naaman said, “Please accept two talents.”. After much pleading, he put two talents of silver in two pockets and gave two sets of clothes to two servants. They walked ahead of Kihazi with their heads lifted.

When they arrived at the mountain, Gehazi took them from their hands and placed them inside the house, sending them back.

Kihazi entered and stood in front of his master. Elisha asked him, “Where do you come from, Gehazi?”. He replied, “The servant has not gone anywhere.”.

Elisha said to him, “Didn’t my heart go when the man got off the car and turned back to meet you?”? Is this the time to receive money, clothing, olive groves, vineyards, cattle, sheep, and servants?

Therefore, Naaman’s leprosy will afflict you and your descendants forever. Kihazi withdrew from Elisha’s presence and became leprous, as white as snow.

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