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nd Kings _Chapter 4

A wife of a prophet’s disciple begged Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband has di…

A wife of a prophet’s disciple begged Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband has died, and you know that he fears the Lord. Now there is a creditor coming to take my two sons as slaves.

Elisha asked her, “What can I do for you?”? Tell me what you have at home. She said that there was nothing in the maid’s house except for a bottle of oil.

Elisha said, Go and borrow empty vessels from your neighbors, do not borrow less.

Back home, close the door, and you and your son pour oil into all the containers inside. Put the full ones aside.

So the woman left Elisha and closed the door, with herself and her son inside. When her son brought the vessel, she poured oil.

The vessels were all full, and she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”. My son said, there are no more vessels. The oil stopped.

The woman went and told the man of God, saying, Go and sell oil to pay off your debts, and you and your son can rely on what is left to make a living.

One day, Elisha walked to Shunam, where a wealthy woman forced him to eat. Afterwards, whenever Elisha passed by, he went in to eat.

The woman said to her husband, “I see that the one who often passes by us is a holy man of God.”.

We can build a small building on the wall for him, and place a bed, table, chair, and lamp stand in it. If he comes to us, he can live in it.

One day, Elisha arrived there and went into the tower to lie down.

Elisha commanded his servant Gehazi, saying, Call this Shunem woman. He called the woman and she stood in front of Elisha.

Elisha commanded his servants, saying, What can you do for you, after you have put in a lot of effort for us? Do you have any requests from the king or marshal? She replied, “I am living comfortably in my hometown.”.

Elisha said to his servant, “What should we do for her?”? Kihazi said that she doesn’t have a son, and her husband is also old.

Elisha said, call her again. So he called her over and she stood at the door.

Elisha said, From next year until this time, you will hold a son. She said, God, my lord, do not deceive maidservants like that.

The woman was indeed pregnant, and at that time she gave birth to a son, as Elisha had said.

The child gradually grew up and one day went to his father and the harvesters,

He said to his father, “My head, my head.”. His father said to his servant, ‘Take him to his mother’s place.’.

The servant carried it and handed it over to his mother. The child sat on his mother’s lap and died at noon.

His mother carried him upstairs, placed him on the bed of the god, closed the door, and came out,

Call her husband and say, “Call a servant to lead me a donkey, and I will go quickly to meet the man of God and come back.”.

My husband said, “Today is not a new moon, nor is it a Sabbath. Why are you going to see him?”? The woman said, It’s safe and sound.

So he put on his donkey and said to his servant, “Hurry and drive away quickly. If I don’t command you, don’t be too slow.”.

The woman went to Mount Carmel to see the man of God. The man of God saw her from afar and said to his servant Gehazi, “Look, the Shunam woman has come.”.

You run to meet her and ask her, are you safe? Is your husband safe? Is the child safe? She said, it’s safe.

When the woman went up the mountain to the man of God, she hugged his feet. Kihazi came to push her away, and the man of God said, Let her be. Because her heart was troubled, the Lord concealed it from me and did not reveal it to me.

The woman said, Have I ever asked my lord for a son? Didn’t I say, don’t you deceive me?

Elisha commanded Gehazi, ‘Tie your waist and take my staff in your hand and go forward.’. If you meet someone, don’t greet them. If a person greets you, do not answer. I want to put my cane on the child’s face.

The mother of the child said, As the living Lord, and as I swear before you, I will not leave you. So Elisha got up and went with her.

Kihazi went first and placed the staff on the child’s face, but there was no sound or movement. Kihazi returned to Elisha and told him that the child had not yet woken up.

Elisha arrived and entered the room, where he saw the child dead and lying on his own bed.

He closed the door and only himself and the child were inside. He prayed to the Lord,

Lie on the child’s bed, mouth to mouth, eye to eye, and hand to hand. As they lay on the child, their body gradually softened.

Then he came down and walked back and forth in the room, then went up and lay down on the child. The child sneezed seven times before opening his eyes.

Elisha called Gehazi and said, “Call this Shunem woman.”. So I called her over. Elisha said, ‘Pick up your son.’.

The woman came in, fell to the ground at Elisha’s feet, picked up her son, and went out.

Elisha came to Gilgal again, and there was a famine in the land. The disciples of the prophet sat before him, and he commanded his servants, saying, Put a large pot on the fire, and cook soup for the disciples of the prophet.

A person went to the field to pick vegetables and met a wild melon vine. They picked a bunch of wild melons and put them in a soup pot because they didn’t know what they were.

Pour it out for the people to eat, and as they were eating, they all shouted, ‘Man of God, there is deadly poison in the pot.’. So everyone can’t eat anymore.

Elisha said, Bring some flour, and sprinkle it in a pot. He said, Pour it out and give it to everyone to eat. There is no poison in the pot.

A man came from Baal Shalisha and brought twenty cakes made of first ripe barley and new ears, which he put in his pocket and gave to the man of God. The man of God said, Give these to the people to eat.

The servant said, How can this be set aside for a hundred people to eat? Elisha said, “Just give it to everyone to eat.”. For thus says the Lord, All shall eat, and there shall be nothing left.

And the servant set it before the people, and they ate it, and it was indeed left, as the Lord had said.


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