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job _Chapter 40

And the Lord said to Job, Can those who argue forcefully argue with the Almighty? Those wh…

And the Lord said to Job,

Can those who argue forcefully argue with the Almighty? Those who argue with God can answer these questions.

So Job answered the Lord, saying,

I am despicable. What should I answer you with? I had to cover my mouth with my hand.

I said it once but didn’t answer again. I said it twice, but I won’t say it again.

So the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind, saying,

You must tie your waist like a warrior. I ask you, you can instruct me.

How can you abandon what I have drafted. How can you accuse me of guilt, so that I may appear righteous?

Do you have arms like gods? Can you thunder like him?

You shall adorn yourself with glory and majesty, and clothe yourself with honor and majesty.

Let out your overflowing anger, see all proud people, and bring them down.

See all the proud and subdue them, trample down the wicked in their place.

Hide them together in the dust, cover their faces in secret places.

I believe your right hand can save you.

Watch the hippopotamus. I make you and I also make it. It eats grass like cows.

Its strength is in the waist, and its ability is in the tendons of the abdomen.

It wags its tail like a cedar tree. Its thigh muscles are interconnected.

Its bones look like copper tubes. Its limbs are like iron bars.

It is the first among the things created by God. Give it a sword to create it.

The mountains provide it with food, and it is also a place for beasts to play.

It lies under the lotus leaves, hidden in the reeds and puddles.

The shade of lotus leaves covers it. The willow trees by the stream surround it.

The river floods and it does not fight. Even if the water of the Jordan River rises to its mouth, it will be safe.

Who can catch it while it is on guard? Who can cage it through its nose?


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