
job _Chapter 8

Bildad the Shua replied,

When are you going to say these words? How long will the words in your mouth be like a strong wind?

How can God deviate from fairness? How can the Almighty deviate from righteousness?

Or perhaps your children have offended him, and he has brought them retribution.

If you diligently seek God and plead with the Almighty.

If you are pure and upright, he will surely rise up for you and make your righteous dwelling prosperous.

Although you may be small at first, you will eventually become very prosperous.

Please question the previous generation and remember what their ancestors investigated.

(We only have it from yesterday and know nothing. Our days on earth are like shadows.)

Will they not teach you, tell you, and speak from within?

How can a cattail grow without mud? How can reeds grow without water?

When still green, before being cut, it withers before a hundred kinds of grass.

The same goes for those who forget God. The hopes of ungrateful people will be extinguished.

What he relies on will break, and what he relies on is a spider’s web.

He will lean on the house, but the house cannot stand. He wants to seize the house, but the house cannot survive.

He turned green under the sunlight, and vines covered the garden.

His roots coiled around the pile of stones and plunged into the ground.

If he is pulled out from the local area, then the land will not recognize him and say, I have not seen you.

Look, this is the joy in his way. In the future, another person will be born from the earth.

God will not abandon a perfect person, nor will he assist the wicked.

He will fill your mouth with laughter and your mouth with cheers.

Those who hate you should wear shame. The tent of the wicked shall come to nothing.

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