
job _Chapter 1

There is a man named Job in the land of Ush. That person is completely upright, revered God, and far from evil.

He gave birth to seven sons and three daughters.

His family had seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and many servants. This person is the greatest among Easterners.

And his sons, each in his own house according to his days, gave a feast, and sent for their three sisters to eat and drink with them,

The days of the feast were over, and Job sent someone to purify them. He got up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. Because he said, I’m afraid my son has sinned and abandoned God in his heart. Job often does this.

One day, the sons of God came and stood before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

The Lord asked Satan, “Where do you come from?”? Satan replied, “I walked back and forth from the ground.”.

The Lord asked Satan, “Have you ever examined my servant Job with your heart?”. There is no one on the earth who is completely upright, revered God, and far from evil.

Satan answered the Lord, saying, Is Job fearing God without reason?

Aren’t you surrounded by a fence on all sides to protect him and his home, as well as everything he has? You bless everything he does with his hands. His property is also increasing on the ground.

You reach out and destroy everything he has. He will abandon you face to face.

The Lord said to Satan, ‘Everything he has is in your hands.’. Just don’t reach out and harm him. So Satan withdrew from before the Lord.

One day, Job’s children were eating and drinking at their elder brother’s house,

A messenger came to Job and said, “The ox is plowing the land, and the donkey is grazing by the side.”.

The people of Sheba suddenly rushed in, took away their livestock, and killed their servants with the sword. I am the only one who has escaped to report to you.

While he was still speaking, someone said, “God has sent fire from heaven, burning up the flock of sheep and servants.”. I am the only one who has escaped to report to you.

While he was still speaking, someone said, “The Chaldeans were divided into three groups and suddenly rushed in, taking the camels and killing their servants with the sword.”. I am the only one who has escaped to report to you.

While he was still speaking, someone said that your children were eating and drinking at their elder brother’s house.

Unexpectedly, a strong wind came from the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house. The house collapsed on the young men, and they all died. I am the only one who has escaped to report to you.

Job stood up, tore his robe, shaved his head, and bowed down on the ground.

Saying, I am naked from the mother’s womb, and I will return naked. The reward is from the Lord, and the receipt is also from the Lord. Praise be to the name of the Lord.

Job did not sin in all these things, nor did he judge God foolishly.

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