Isaiah_Chapter 61
The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is on me. For the Lord anointed me with ointment, that I might preach good news to the humble, and send me to heal the sorrowful, to report the release of the captives, and to release the prisoners from prison.
Report the year of the Lord’s grace and the day of our God’s revenge. Comfort all sorrowful people.
Give a crown of glory to those who mourn in Zion, instead of dust, oil of joy, instead of mourning, clothing of praise, instead of the spirit of sorrow. Let them be called the tree of righteousness, planted by the Lord, that he may be glorified.
They must build the long abandoned fields, establish the previously desolate places, and rebuild the desolate cities of all generations.
At that time, foreigners will rise up to graze your flocks, and they will be your cultivators and vinedressers.
But you shall be called the priests of the Lord. People will call you servants of our God. You will eat and use the wealth of the nations, and boast in their glory.
You will receive double the benefits instead of the humiliation you have suffered. The joy obtained from the division will replace the humiliation received. Industries that must be doubled within the country. The eternal joy will belong to you. (The original text is about them)
For I, the Lord, love justice and hate plunder and sin. I will repay with honesty and make an eternal covenant with my people.
Their descendants will be known among the nations, and their descendants will also be known among the people. Anyone who sees them will recognize them as descendants blessed by the Lord.
I am greatly delighted in the Lord, and my heart rejoices in God. For he clothed me with salvation, and clothed me with righteousness, as a groom adorned with a crown, and as a bride adorned with ornaments.
As the field sprouts a hundred grains, and as the garden brings forth its seed, so will the Lord Jehovah bring forth righteousness and praise among all nations.