圣经 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 30

Isaiah_Chapter 30

Woe to these rebellious children, says the Lord. They conspire, but not because of me, they form an alliance, but not because of my spirit, so that their sins are aggravated.

Get up and go down to Egypt without asking me. We must rely on the power of Pharaoh, add our own strength, and cast ourselves under the shade of Egypt.

Therefore the power of Pharaoh will be your shame, and he will cast himself into the shade of Egypt, to be ashamed of you.

Their leader is already in Zoan, and their envoy has arrived at Hanez.

They will be ashamed of the people who are against them. That people are not helping or benefiting, they are only shameful and humiliating.

On the implied meaning of southern livestock. They carry their wealth on the backs of donkeys and foals, and their treasures on the meat saddles of camels. They pass through difficult and difficult places, including the land of male lions, female lions, vipers, and fiery dragons, to those who are not conducive to their people.

Egypt’s help is in vain. So I call him the Lahab who sits still.

Go now and engrave these words in a tablet and write them in a book before them, so that they may be passed down to future generations forever and ever.

Because they are rebellious people, lying children, and children who refuse to obey the teachings of the Lord.

They said to the seers, ‘Do not see any ominous things.’ They said to the prophets, ‘Do not speak upright words to us, but speak gentle words to us, talking about illusory things.’.

You must abandon the right path and deviate from the straight path. Don’t mention the Holy One of Israel again in front of us.

So the Holy One of Israel says, ‘Because you have despised the words of this law, relying on oppression and unfaithfulness, making it reliable.’.

Therefore, this sin is on you like a high wall about to burst and protrude, suddenly collapsing in an instant.

To be broken is like breaking a potter’s pottery, without any hesitation, even if there is not a single piece in the broken pieces, it can be used to draw fire from the furnace and scoop water from the pool.

This is what the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, has said: Your salvation is in returning to rest. You are capable and care about peace and stability. How dare you refuse.

But you say, otherwise, we will ride horses and run around. So you will inevitably run. Also, we need to ride fast animals. So those who pursue you will also fly fast.

One person scolding will make a thousand people flee. Five people scold, and you will all flee. So much so that what remains is like a flagpole on the mountaintop or a big flag on the hill.

The Lord will surely wait and show kindness to you. I will surely rise up, so that I may have mercy on you. Because the Lord is a just God. Blessed are all those who wait for him.

The people will reside in Zion and Jerusalem. You will no longer cry. The Lord will show mercy to you because of the voice of your cry. When he hears it, he will answer you.

Although the Lord has given you bread for hardship and water for hardship, your teacher will no longer be hidden, and your eyes will see your teacher.

Whether you go to the left or right, you will hear a voice behind saying, ‘This is the right way, walk in it.’.

You shall defile and cast away the silver that is wrapped in your idols, and the gold that is plated on your cast idols, as if it were an unclean thing. Say to your idols, Go.

You sow seeds in the ground, and the Lord will rain on them. And make the grain that comes out of the land plump and abundant. At that time, your livestock will eat grass in a wide pasture.

Cattle and donkeys and foals who cultivate land will eat salted food. This material was cleared with a shovel and fork.

On the day of great slaughter, when the high platform collapses, there will be rivers and streams on every high mountain and hill.

On the day when the Lord wraps around the wounds of his people and heals their whip wounds, the moonlight will be like sunlight, and the sunlight will be seven times more, like the light of seven days.

See, the name of the Lord has come from afar, with anger burning and thick smoke rising up. His lips are filled with resentment, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.

His breath is like an overflowing river, rising up to his neck, to sift through the nations with a sieve of destruction. And in the mouths of all the people, there will be a chewing ring that makes people go astray.

You will sing, like the night of a holy festival. And he rejoiced in his heart, like a man playing the flute, going up to the mountain of the Lord to the rock of Israel.

The Lord will make the voice of his majesty heard, and will reveal the arm of his punishment, the wrath of his anger, the flames of his devouring fire, and thunder, storm, and hail.

The Assyrians will be terrified at the voice of the Lord. The Lord will strike him with his rod.

The rod that the Lord will command will be added to him, and with every stroke, people will play drums and harps. During war, the Lord will swing his hand and fight against him.

Originally, Tophet was deep and wide, already prepared for the king, with fire and a lot of firewood piled up in it. The breath of the Lord is like a stream of sulfur fire, causing it to ignite.

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