
Isaiah_Chapter 1

When Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, Isaiah the son of Amoz was prophesied about Judah and Jerusalem.

Oh my goodness, listen, earth, listen with your ears turned. For the Lord has said, I have raised my children and raised them, yet they have rebelled against me.

Cows know their masters, donkeys know their masters’ troughs. Israel does not know, but my people do not pay attention.

Hey, a nation that has committed crimes, a people who bear the burden of sin, a kind of wrongdoer, and corrupt children. They abandoned the Lord, despised the Holy One of Israel, became estranged from him, and retreated.

Why do you repeatedly rebel and still face punishment and beating? You are already in pain all over your head and feeling dizzy.

From the soles of the feet to the top of the head, there is not a complete area. It’s all wounds, bruises, and newly injured scars. They didn’t close their mouths, didn’t wrap around, and didn’t moisturize with cream.

Your land has become desolate. Your cities have been burned down by fire. Your fields have been encroached upon by foreigners before your eyes, and have become desolate since they have been overthrown by them.

Only the daughter of Zion remains, like a vineyard shed, a melon field thatched cottage, a besieged city.

If it weren’t for the Lord of hosts leaving us a little extra seed, we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Listen to the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom. Listen attentively to the teachings of our God, O people of Gomorrah.

What profit do the many sacrifices you offer to me, says the Lord? I have enough for the burnt offering of the ram and the fat of the fat animals. I am not pleased with the blood of bulls, lambs, and goats.

You come to appear before me, who will demand these from you, so that you may trample on my courtyard?

Do not offer false offerings again. Fragrances are something I detest. I detest the new moon, the Sabbath, and the assembly that is called. I cannot tolerate committing sins while maintaining a serious society.

Your new moon and festival, I hate it in my heart, I think it’s troublesome. I become impatient when I take responsibility.

Raise your hands and pray, I will cover my eyes and not look. Even if you pray too much, I won’t listen. Your hands are all covered in murderous blood.

Wash yourself and purify yourself. Remove your evil deeds from my sight. To stop doing evil,

Learn to do good. Seeking justice, rescuing those who are oppressed, seeking justice for orphans, and defending widows.

The Lord said, Come, let us debate with each other. Although your sins are like vermilion, they will become snow-white. Although red as Dan Yan, it will be as white as wool.

If you are willing to listen, you will eat the good things of the earth.

If you do not listen, but instead rebel, you will be swallowed up by the sword. This was spoken by the mouth of the Lord.

Alas, the city of loyalty has become a prostitute. Once filled with fairness and righteousness, now there are murderers living in it.

Your silver has turned into dross, and your wine has been mixed with water.

Your official has rebellious intentions and accompanies thieves. Everyone loves bribery and pursues personal gain. They do not seek justice for orphans, and the case of widows cannot be presented to them.

Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, says, Ah, I will avenge my adversaries and seek revenge against my enemies.

I will turn my hand against you, refine all your dross, and remove all your impurities.

I will also restore your judges, just like at the beginning, and restore your counselors, just like at the beginning. Then you will be called the city of righteousness, the city of faithfulness.

Zion will be redeemed through justice, and those who are righteous will be redeemed through righteousness.

But the rebellious and the sinners will perish together, and those who abandon the Lord will be destroyed.

They will be ashamed of the oak tree that you love, and you will be ashamed of the garden you have chosen.

For you will be like an oak tree with withered leaves, like a garden watered without water.

The powerful will be like hemp, and their work will be like sparks, all of which will be burned together, with no one to extinguish them.

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