首页 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 14

Isaiah_Chapter 14

The Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and he will choose Israel again and place them in his o…

The Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and he will choose Israel again and place them in his own land. The sojourner will unite with them and cling closely to the house of Jacob.

The foreigners will bring them back to their homeland. The house of Israel will have foreigners as servants and maidservants in the land of the Lord. We will also plunder those who previously plundered them and have control over those who previously oppressed them.

When the Lord frees you from sorrow, trouble, and the hard work that men have forced you to do, and gives you a day of rest,

You will mention this poem about the king of Babylon, saying, “How is the oppressor extinguished? How is the violent one extinguished?”.

The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked and the ruler over them,

He who continuously attacks the people in anger, rules over the nations in anger, and persecutes without anyone to stop him.

Now the whole earth has rest and peace. Everyone cheered loudly.

The pine trees and the cedars of Lebanon rejoice in you, saying, Since you fell, no one has come up to cut us down.

You descend to the underworld, and the underworld trembles with you to welcome you. And because you have stirred up the spirits of those who were once rulers in the world, and have caused those who were kings of all nations to stand up from their thrones.

They all have to speak up and say to you, have you also become weak, like us? Have you also become like us?

Your authority, and the sound of your harps, all descend to the underworld. The bottom bunk is covered with worms, and the top bunk is covered with maggots.

Bright star, son of the morning, how could you fall from heaven. How could you, who defeated the nations, be chopped down to the ground.

You once said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven. I will elevate my throne above the stars of God. I want to sit on the mountain where the gathering takes place, at the extreme north,

I want to rise above high clouds. I want to be equal to the Supreme.

However, you will fall into the underworld to the deepest part of the pit.

Everyone who sees you will set their eyes on you, pay attention to you, and say, ‘Make the earth tremble, make the nations tremble.’,

Is it this person who makes the world like a wilderness, overthrows cities, and does not release captives to their homes?

The kings of all nations sleep in the glory of their own chambers.

Only you have been abandoned and cannot enter your tomb, like an detestable branch. Wearing the clothes of those who have been killed, they are those who have been pierced by a knife and fallen to the stones in the pit. You are like a trampled corpse again.

You shall not be buried with kings, because you have destroyed your kingdom and killed your people. The name of the descendants of the wicked shall never be spoken of.

When the ancestors have committed sins, they must prepare to slaughter their descendants, so that they may not rise up and occupy the land, and build cities throughout the world.

The Lord of hosts has said, ‘I will rise up against them and cut off Babylon’s name and the remaining people, including their children and grandchildren.’. This is what the Lord has said.

I will make Babylon a possession for the porcupines and a pool of water. I will sweep him clean with the broom of destruction. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, As I think, so will I do. No matter how I make up my mind, it will still hold true.

He will break the Assyrian on my land and trample him on my mountains, and his yoke will depart from the Israelites. The burden he adds will leave their shoulders.

This is a decree made for the whole earth. This is a hand extended to all nations.

Since the Lord of armies has determined, who can abandon it? His hand has been extended, who can turn it back?

In the year of King Ahaz’s death, there was a revelation as follows.

Do not rejoice, O all the land of the Philistines, because the rod that struck you is broken. Because from the roots of snakes, venomous snakes will emerge. It bears a flying dragon of flames.

The eldest son of the poor shall have food, and the poor shall lie down in peace. I will put your roots to death by famine, and the rest of you will be slaughtered.

Where the door is, one should mourn. City, should shout. All the land of the Philistines, you have digested it. Because smoke came out from the north, there were no chaotic groups in his army.

How can we answer the envoys of foreign countries? The Gentiles or the Philistines will say, The Lord has established Zion, and the poor among his people will seek refuge in it.


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