
Isaiah_Chapter 58

Shout loudly, do not stop, raise your voice like a trumpet, explain their sins to my people and to the house of Jacob.

They seek me every day, willing to understand my way. It is like a righteous nation that does not abandon the judgments of their God and seeks justice from me, rejoicing in getting close to God.

They said, We fast, why don’t you see it? We work hard in our hearts, why don’t you pay attention to it? Look, on the day you fast, you still seek profit and force people to do hard work for you.

You fast, but compete with each other, striking people with fierce fists. You fast today, so that your voice cannot be heard above.

Is this fasting a day that I have chosen to make people work hard on their own hearts? Is it to make a person bow their head like a reed, and spread linen and ashes under him? Can you call this a day of fasting that the Lord accepts?

Isn’t the fasting I have chosen to let go of the vicious ropes, to untie the ropes from the yoke, to free the oppressed, and to break all yokes?

It’s not about distributing your cake to hungry people. Bring the wandering poor to your home. If you see someone naked, cover them with clothes. Do you care about your own flesh and blood without hiding it?

So your light will be discovered like the morning light. The treatment you receive should be invented quickly. Your righteousness will come before you. The glory of the Lord will be your support.

When you cry, the Lord will answer. You cry, he will say, I am here. If you remove the heavy yoke and the finger that reproaches from among you, and engage in evil words.

If your heart shows mercy to the hungry, it will satisfy the poor. Your light will be found in darkness, and your darkness will become like noon.

The Lord will always guide you in a dry land, making your heart full and your bones strong. You will be like a watered garden, and like an endless spring of water.

Those who come from you must build long abandoned places. You need to establish a foundation that has been dismantled for generations. You must be called the one who mends the breach, and the one who repairs the path and lives with people.

If you turn your steps on the Sabbath and do not rejoice in your work on my holy day, but call the Sabbath joyful and the holy day of the Lord respectable. And respect this day, do not handle your own personal matters, do not follow your own personal wishes, and do not speak your own private words.

You will rejoice in the Lord. The Lord will make you ride on the high places of the earth. And he raised you with the inheritance of your father Jacob. This was spoken by the mouth of the Lord.

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