圣经 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 56

Isaiah_Chapter 56

Thus says the Lord, Keep judgment and do righteousness. Because my salvation is near, my righteousness will be revealed.

Obey the Sabbath without committing any wrongdoing, and prohibit your own hands from doing evil. Blessed are those who do this and hold on to it.

Do not say, the Gentiles who are united with the Lord, that the Lord will surely separate me from his people. Even eunuchs, I am a withered tree.

For thus says the Lord, Those eunuchs who keep my Sabbath, choose things that please me, and keep my covenant.

I will make them more beautiful in my temple and within my walls, with a memory and a name than those with children. I will give them an eternal name that cannot be cut off.

And there are also those Gentiles who are united with the Lord, to serve him, to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, all who keep the Sabbath and do not trespass, and keep my covenant.

I will bring them to my holy mountain, so that they may rejoice in prayer in my temple. Their burnt offerings and peace offerings will be accepted on my altar. For my temple will be called the temple of prayer for all nations.

The Lord GOD, who has gathered Israel and scattered them, says, Besides these who have been gathered, I will also gather others to join them.

Come and devour all the beasts of the field. All the beasts in the forest must do the same.

The people he guards are blind, lack knowledge, and are all mute dogs who cannot bark. But knowing how to dream, lying down, and sleeping greedily.

These dogs are greedy and do not know how to be full. These shepherds cannot understand that each person deviates from their own path and seeks their own interests from all sides.

They said, come on, I’ll go get some wine, we’ll have plenty of strong wine to drink. Tomorrow will be like today, a day of immeasurable feasts and pleasures.

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