圣经 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 42

Isaiah_Chapter 42

See, my servant, whom I support, choose, and rejoice in, I have given my spirit to him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.

He doesn’t make a noise, doesn’t raise his voice, and doesn’t make his voice heard on the street.

He won’t break the crushed reed. He will not blow out the remaining lights. He spread the axioms based on truth.

He did not lose heart or lose heart until he established justice on the earth. The islands are waiting for his teachings.

Create the heavens, spread out the heavens, spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, give breath to all the people on the earth, and give spirituality to the God of the Lord, who walks on it. This is what he says:,

I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, and I will support your hands and keep you, making you a mediator for all the people and a light for the Gentiles,

Open the eyes of the blind, lead the imprisoned out of prison, lead the sitting in darkness out of prison.

I am Jehovah, this is my name. I will not give my glory to false gods, nor will I give my praise to carved idols.

See, the previous things have been accomplished, and now I will explain the new things. Before they occur, I will tell you.

Sing a new song to the Lord, and praise him from the ends of the earth, all those who sail, and all the islands and inhabitants in the sea.

Let the wilderness and its cities, as well as the villages where the Kedar people reside, raise up their voices. The residents of Silla should cheer and shout from the mountaintop.

They shall give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands.

The Lord will go out like a warrior, he will stir up enthusiasm like a warrior, he will cry out with a loud voice, he will fight against his enemies with great force.

I have been silent for a long time, silent and silent. Now I will shout like a woman in labor, I will be in a state of urgency and gasping for breath.

I will turn the mountains and hills into wastelands, and dry up all the flowers and plants on them; I will turn the rivers into islands, and dry up all the pools of water.

I will lead the blind in paths they do not know, and lead them in paths they do not know. To turn darkness into light and curvature into straightness in front of them. I will do all these things and not abandon them.

Relying on the carved idols and saying to the cast idols, You are our God, these people will retreat and be completely ashamed.

Listen, you deaf people. You guys are blind to see. So that you can see.

Who is more blind than my servant? Who is more deaf than the envoy I sent? Who is blind like him who reconciles with me, and who is blind like a servant of the Lord?

You see many things but don’t understand them. Ears open but don’t hear.

For the sake of his righteousness, the Lord delights in making the law great and honored.

But these people are plundered and taken away, all imprisoned in pits and hidden in prison. They are plundered, without anyone to save them, as plunder, without anyone to say they will be returned.

Who among you is willing to listen attentively to this, or who is willing to listen attentively for the future?

Who will hand over Jacob as a spoil and Israel as a plunderer? Isn’t it Jehovah? It’s the one we offended. They refuse to follow his way, nor do they obey his teachings.

So he poured out his fierce anger and the strength of war on Israel. He was surrounded by flames, but he didn’t know yet. He didn’t mind burning him.

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