
Isaiah_Chapter 19

On Egypt’s implied meaning. See, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. Egyptian idols tremble before him. The hearts of the Egyptians are digested inside.

I will stir up the Egyptians to attack them, brothers to attack brothers, neighbors to attack neighbors, city to city, country to country.

The spirit of the Egyptians will be depleted within. I will corrupt their strategies. They will ask their idols, those who recite curses, those who associate with demons, and those who practice witchcraft.

I will deliver the Egyptians into the hands of a cruel Lord. A cruel king will rule over them. This is what the Lord, the Lord of hosts, has said.

The water in the sea will be drained, and the river will disappear and dry up.

The rivers will become foul smelling, and the rivers of Egypt will decrease and dry up. The reeds and reeds will wither and wither.

The grass fields by the Nile River and the fields planted along the Nile River will dry up, and the crops will be blown away by the wind and become nothing.

Those who fish will mourn, all those who fish in the Nile will mourn, and those who cast nets on the water will weaken.

Those who make combed linen and those who weave white cloth will be ashamed.

The pillars of the country will be shattered, and the hearts of all servants will be troubled.

The leaders of Zoan are extremely foolish, but what Pharaoh’s wise counselors have planned becomes foolish. How dare you say to Pharaoh, ‘I am a descendant of wise men, I am a descendant of ancient kings’?

Where is your wise man? Let them know the will that the Lord of hosts has given to Egypt, and let them tell you.

The leaders of Zoan have become foolish, and the leaders of Noph have been deceived. When the corner stones of the Egyptian tribe led the Egyptians astray.

The Lord has brought a rebellious spirit into the midst of Egypt. The leader caused all that Egypt did to go wrong, as if a drunken man would stumble and stumble when he vomited.

The work done in Egypt, whether it be the head and tail, palm branches or reeds, is not accomplished.

On that day, the Egyptians will be like women. They will tremble and fear because of the hand that the Lord of hosts has swung above Egypt.

The land of Judah will make Egypt fearful. Whoever mentions the earth, they fear. This is because of the will that the Lord of hosts has given to Egypt.

On that day, five cities in the land of Egypt will speak the dialect of Canaan and swear by the Lord of hosts. There is a city that must be called the city of destruction.

On that day, there will be an altar built for the Lord in the land of Egypt. On the border of Egypt, there will be a pillar erected for the Lord.

This will be a sign and evidence for the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. The Egyptians cried out to the Lord because of their oppression, and he sent a savior as a guardian to save them.

The Lord will be known by the Egyptians. On that day, the Egyptians will recognize the Lord and offer sacrifices and offerings to worship him, making a vow to the Lord and fulfilling it.

The Lord will strike and heal Egypt, and the Egyptians will return to the Lord. He will answer their prayers and heal them.

On that day, there will be a great road from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will enter Egypt, and the Egyptians will also enter Assyria. The Egyptians will worship the Lord together with the Assyrians.

On that day, Israel will be unified with Egypt and Assyria, and the people of the earth will be blessed.

For the Lord Almighty has blessed them, saying, Blessed are my people in Egypt, my hands in Assyria, and my inheritance in Israel.

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