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Genesis_Chapter 27

Isaac was old and his eyes were dim, unable to see. So he called his eldest son Esau and s…

Isaac was old and his eyes were dim, unable to see. So he called his eldest son Esau and said, “My son, Esau said, ‘I am here.'”.

He said, I am old now and I don’t know which day I will die.

Now take your equipment, the arrow pouch and bow, and go to the fields to hunt for me,

Make delicious food according to my love, bring it to me to eat, so that I may bless you before I die.

Isaac spoke to his son Esau, and Rebekah also heard him. Esau went hunting in the fields to bring wild game.

Rebekah said to her son Jacob, ‘I heard your father say to your brother Esau,’,

Bring the wild beasts and make them delicious for me to eat, so that I may bless you before I die before the Lord.

Now, my son, you must obey my words as I command you.

Go into the flock and bring me two fat lambs, and I will make them delicious for your father as he loves.

Take it to your father to eat, so that he can bless you before he dies.

Jacob said to his mother Rebekah, “My brother Esau is covered in hair all over, and my body is smooth.”.

If my father touches me, he will see me as a deceiver, and I will curse and not bless.

His mother said to him, “My son, the curse you brought is on me.”. Just listen to me and bring me the lamb.

He went to fetch it and handed it to his mother. His mother made delicious dishes according to what his father loved.

Rebekah also took the best clothes of his eldest son Esau, which were stored in his house, and put them on his youngest son Jacob,

And he wrapped the skin of lambs on Jacob’s hands and the smooth part of his neck,

And he gave the delicious food and bread he had made into the hands of his son Jacob.

Jacob went to his father and said, “My father.”. He said, I’m here. My son, who are you.

Jacob said to his father, “I am your eldest son Esau.”. I have done as you instructed me. Please sit up and eat my game, so that you can bless me.

Isaac said to his son, “My son, how did you find it so quickly?”? He said, Because the Lord your God has given me a good opportunity.

Isaac said to Jacob, “My son, come near and I will touch you, knowing that you are truly my son Esau.”.

Jacob approached his father Isaac. Isaac touched him and said, “The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are Esau’s hands.”.

Isaac could not distinguish him. Because he had hair on his hands, like the hands of his brother Esau, he blessed him.

And he said, Are you really my son Esau? He said, I am.

Isaac said, Pass it to me, I will eat my son’s wild game and bless you. Jacob handed it to him, and he ate it. He also gave him wine, and he drank it.

His father Isaac said to him, “My son, come and kiss me.”.

He stepped forward and kissed his father. As soon as his father smelled the fragrance on his clothes, he blessed him, saying, My son’s fragrance is like the fragrance of the field that the Lord has blessed.

May God give you the dew of heaven, the fertile soil of the earth, and many grains and new wine.

May many people serve you, and many nations kneel before you. May you be the Lord of your brothers. Your mother’s son kneels before you. May anyone who curses you be cursed. Blessed be he who blesses you.

Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob only came out from his father. His brother Esau was returning from hunting,

He also made delicious food and brought it to his father, saying, “Father, please get up and eat your son’s wild game, so that you can bless me.”.

His father Isaac said to him, “Who are you?”? He said, I am your eldest son Esau.

Isaac trembled greatly and said, “Who obtained wild game and brought it to me before you come?”? I have eaten it and wish him well. He will also be blessed in the future.

After hearing his father’s words, Esan let out his voice and wept bitterly, saying, “My father, please also bless me.”.

Isaac said, Your brother has used deceit to take away your blessings.

Esau said, Isn’t his name Jacob right? Because he deceived me twice. He once took my eldest son’s title, but now he has taken my fortune again. And Esau said, Have you not left a blessing for me?

Isaac answered Esau, saying, I have made him your Lord, and have made all his brothers his servants, and have given him five grains and new wine for health. My son, what else can I do for you now?

Esau said to his father, Father, do you have only one blessing to wish? My father, please also bless me. Esau let out his voice and wept.

His father Isaac said, ‘The fertile soil of the earth will be your dwelling place.’. The dew in the sky will be for you.

You will rely on the sword to make a living, and you will serve your brothers. When you become strong, you will break his yoke from your neck.

Esau resented Jacob because of the blessings his father had blessed him, and he said to himself, “The day of mourning for my father is coming, and at that time I will kill my brother Jacob.”.

Someone told Rebekah the words of her son Esau, and she sent someone to call her youngest son Jacob and say to him, “Your brother Esau wants to kill you, avenge him.”.

Now, my son, you must listen to me, get up, and flee to Haran, my brother Laban’s place,

Stay with him for a while until your brother’s anger subsides.

Your brother calmed his anger against you and forgot what you had done to him, so I sent someone to bring you back from there. Why did you two die in one day?

Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of this Hittite woman. If Jacob also marries daughters of the Hittites, like these, what profit will I have in life?


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