
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 5

After Solomon finished all the work of the temple of the Lord, he brought the gold, silver, and vessels that his father David had consecrated, and placed them in the treasury of the temple of God.

At that time, Solomon gathered the elders of Israel, the leaders of their tribes, and the heads of their families to Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the Lord from the city of David, which is Zion.

So all Israel gathered to the king before the festival of the seventh month.

When the elders of Israel arrived, the Levites lifted up the ark of the covenant.

The priests and Levites brought up the ark of the covenant, and also brought up all the holy vessels of the tabernacle and the tabernacle of the congregation.

King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel who had gathered before him offered sacrifices of cattle and sheep in front of the ark, which were countless.

The priest carried the ark of the Lord into the inner temple, which is the most holy place, and placed it under the wings of the two cherubim.

The cherubim spread their wings over the ark, covering it and the poles that carried it.

This pole is very long, and the head of the pole can be seen in front of the inner hall, but cannot be seen outside the hall, and it is still there to this day.

There were only two stone tablets in the ark, which Moses placed on Mount Horeb when the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they left Egypt. There is nothing else besides that.

At that time, all the priests there had already consecrated themselves and were not divided into classes to serve.

When they left the sanctuary, the Levites Asaph, Heman, Jedudun, and their sons and brothers, who were singing, stood on the east side of the altar dressed in fine linen, playing cymbals, harps, and harps, with one hundred and twenty priests playing the trumpet.

The trumpeters and singers all spoke together, their voices merged into one, praising and thanking the Lord. Blow the trumpet, sound cymbals, and use all kinds of instruments to praise the Lord, saying, The Lord is good, and his mercy endures forever. At that time, the temple of the Lord was filled with clouds,

Even the priests cannot stand and serve, because the glory of the Lord fills the temple of God.

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