
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 29

King David said to the assembly, “My son Solomon was chosen by God and is still young and delicate.”. This project is very great, because this temple was not built for humans, but for the Lord God.

For the house of my God I have done my best to prepare gold for gold, silver for silver, copper for bronze, iron for iron, wood for wood, agate stones for inlaying, colored stones and all precious stones, and many White Marble.

And because my heart loves the temple of my God, in addition to preparing the materials for the construction of the temple, I have also offered the gold and silver that I have accumulated to build the temple of my God,

It is three thousand talents of gold from Ophir, and seven thousand talents of silver from fine chains, to cover the walls of the temple.

Gold is used to make gold vessels, silver is used to make silver vessels, and everything is made by the hands of craftsmen. Who is willing to offer themselves to the Lord today?

So the chiefs of the families, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and hundreds, and the officials in charge of the king’s work, were all willing to offer.

They offered five thousand talents of gold and one thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of bronze, and one hundred thousand talents of iron for the use of the temple.

Give all the precious stones to Jehiel the Gershonite and send them to the treasury of the house of the Lord.

Because these people sincerely and willingly offered to the Lord, the people rejoiced, and King David was greatly pleased.

Therefore David praised the Lord before the assembly, saying, Blessed be the Lord our father, the God of Israel, forever and ever.

O Lord, greatness, power, glory, strength, and majesty are all yours. Everything in heaven and earth belongs to you. The kingdom is also yours, and you are the highest, the head of all things.

Wealth and honor come from you, and you govern all things. In your hands, there is great power and strength, which makes people proud and strong.

Our God, now we give thanks to you and praise your glorious name.

What am I, what are my people? How could they be so willing to offer. Because all things come from you, we offer you what we have obtained from you.

We are guests and sojourners before you, just like our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without lasting hope.

O Lord our God, we have prepared many materials to build a temple for your holy name, all of which are from you and belong to you.

My God, I know that you examine the heart and rejoice in righteousness. I am willing to offer all these things with a righteous heart. Now I enjoy seeing your people here willing to contribute to you.

O Lord, the God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let your people continue to have such thoughts and thoughts, and strengthen their hearts to you,

And I pray you to grant my son Solomon an honest heart, to keep your commands, laws, and decrees, to accomplish all these things, and to build a house with what I have prepared.

David said to the whole assembly, Praise the Lord your God. So the assembly praised the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and bowed their heads to worship the Lord and the king.

The next day, they offered peace offerings and burnt offerings to the Lord, including a thousand bulls, a thousand rams, a thousand lambs, and their drink offerings. And he offered many sacrifices for all Israel. On that day, they ate and drank before the Lord, and rejoiced greatly.

They anointed Solomon, the son of David, as king and Zadok as priest by the command of the Lord.

So Solomon sat on the throne given by the Lord and succeeded his father David as king, and prospered in all things. All Israel also obeyed him.

All the leaders and warriors, as well as the sons of King David, submitted to King Solomon.

The Lord made Solomon very great and majestic in the eyes of all Israel, surpassing the kings of Israel before him.

David, the son of Jesse, became king over all Israel,

He reigned forty years, seven years in Hebron, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

He was old, satisfied with his days, enjoying abundance and honor, and then died. His son Solomon succeeded him as king.

The whole story of King David is written in the book of Samuel the seer and in the book of Nathan the prophet and Gad the seer.

His state affairs and his strength, as well as the events that he and Israel and the nations went through, are all written in this book.

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