
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 4

He also made a bronze altar, twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and ten cubits high.

Cast another round bronze sea, five cubits high, ten cubits wide, and thirty cubits round.

There are wild melons around the sea, with ten melons per cubit in two rows, which were cast during the casting of the sea.

There are twelve copper cows carrying the sea, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, and three facing east. The sea is on the cow, with its tail facing inward.

The sea is thick in one palm, with a rim like the edge of a cup, and like a lily flower, it can hold three thousand bars.

Make ten pots, five on the right and five on the left, and wash all the offerings for the burnt offering in them. But the sea is bathed for priests.

He also made ten golden lampstands according to the prescribed pattern and placed them in the temple, five on the right side and five on the left side.

He also made ten tables and placed them in the temple, five on the right and five on the left. Make another hundred golden bowls.

And he established a high court and a high court, and the doors of the court were wrapped with copper.

Place Hai An on the right side of the palace gate, which is to the south.

Hulan also made pots, shovels, and bowls. So he finished the work of the temple for King Solomon.

What was made were two pillars and two spherical tops on them, as well as two nets covering the tops of the pillars,

And four hundred pomegranates, placed on two nets, each net with two rows covering the top of two pillars like balls.

The basin base and the basin above it,

The sea and twelve cows under the sea,

The pots, shovels, meat forks, and all the utensils in the temple of the Lord were made of polished copper by the skilled craftsman Huram for King Solomon,

It was cast with clay between Succoth and Sardan in the plains of Jordan.

Solomon made a lot of these things, and the weight of copper cannot be determined.

Solomon also made the golden altar in the temple of God and the table for the shewbread,

And pure gold lampstands and lamps can be lit in front of the inner hall as usual.

The flowers, lamps, and wax trimmers on the lampstand are all of gold and pure gold.

He also used fine gold to make tweezers, plates, spoons, and fire cauldrons. As for the doors of the temple, the doors of the most holy place, and the doors of the temple, they are all adorned with gold.

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