首页 Book of Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 28

Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 28

The word of the Lord came to me again, saying, Son of man, say to the king of Tyre, This i…

The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,

Son of man, say to the king of Tyre, This is what the Lord has said: Because your heart is proud, saying, I am God. I sit on the throne of God in the sea. Although you compare yourself to God in your heart, you are just a person, not a God.

Look, you are wiser than Daniel, and no secret can be hidden from you.

You have obtained gold and silver treasures through your own wisdom and intelligence, and have them stored in the treasury.

You increase wealth through your great wisdom and trade, and your heart is proud of wealth.

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, Because your heart is compared to God,

I will bring upon you the barbarians, the oppressors of the nations. They will draw their swords and destroy the beauty that you have obtained with wisdom, blaspheming your glory.

They will bring you down to the pit. You will die in the sea, just like those who are killed.

Can you still say that I am a god in front of the person who killed you? In fact, you are just a human being, not a god, in the hands of those who killed you.

You will die in the hands of the Gentiles, just like the uncircumcised, for this is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

Son of man, make a lamentation for the king of Tyre, saying, This is what the Lord GOD says: You are unprepared for everything, full of wisdom, and completely beautiful.

You once wore all kinds of precious stones in the garden of God of Eden, including rubies, turquoise, diamond, aquamarine, agate, jasper, sapphire, emerald, ruby, and gold. There are also exquisite drums and flutes with you, all prepared on the day of your creation.

You are the cherubim who was anointed to cover the ark of the covenant. I will place you on the holy mountain of God. You travel among the shining gemstones.

All that you did from the day of your creation was perfect, and later unrighteousness was found among you.

Because you have traded extensively, you have been filled with violence and have committed crimes. Therefore, I have driven you out of the mountain of God because you have desecrated the holy land. I have put an end to you, Kirubim, who covers the ark, from the shining gemstones of fire.

You are proud in your heart because of your beauty, and your wisdom is corrupted by your glory. I have thrown you to the ground, causing you to fall before kings, so that they may witness and see.

You have profaned your sanctuary because of your numerous sins and unfair trade. Therefore, I will send fire out from among you, consume you, and turn you into ashes on the earth in the sight of all those who watch.

All nations who know you will be amazed by you. You are terrifying, no longer present in the world, forever.

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

Son of man, prophesy against Sidon and attack her,

Thus says the Lord GOD, O Sidon, I am against you, and I will find glory among you. When I judge among you and make you holy, people will know that I am the Lord.

I will bring the plague into Sidon, and blood will flow in her streets. The slain shall fall in it, and a sword shall come upon her on all sides, and they shall know that I am the Lord.

Those who hate the house of Israel on all sides will no longer be thorns that pierce or thorns that harm them, and they will know that I am the Lord Jehovah.

Thus says the Lord GOD, I will gather the house of Israel, which has been scattered among the nations, and bring them back to dwell in the land that I have given to my servant Jacob, when they are holy in the eyes of the nations.

They want to live peacefully on this land. After I judge all the people around me who hate them, they will build houses, plant vineyards, and live in peace, and they will know that I am the Lord their God.


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