首页 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 45

Isaiah_Chapter 45

I, the Lord, have anointed Cyrus, and I have supported his right hand to subdue the nation…

I, the Lord, have anointed Cyrus, and I have supported his right hand to subdue the nations before him. I will also loosen the belts of the kings, so that the gates may not be closed in front of him. This is what I have said to him:,

I will walk in front of you, smoothing out the rugged terrain. I will break the bronze gates and cut off the iron bars.

I will give you hidden treasures and hidden treasures, so that you may know that I, the Lord, the God of Israel, am the one who nominates and calls you.

Because of my servant Jacob, whom I have chosen Israel, I have nominated and called you. Although you don’t know me, I’ll give you a name.

I am the Lord, there is no other God besides me, and there is no other God besides me. Although you don’t know me, I will tie your waist,

From the place of sunrise to the place of sunset, let everyone know that there is no other God besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other God besides me.

I create light and darkness. I bring peace and bring disaster. I, Jehovah, am the one who created all of this.

Oh heavens, it drips from above. The heavens bring down righteousness, and the earth cracks open, producing salvation, causing righteousness to happen together. All of these are what I, the Lord, have created.

Woe to him, who disputes with his creator, he is just a tile among the tiles of the earth. How can the soil say to him, ‘What are you doing?’? How can one say, ‘You have no hands’ in what you have done?

Woe, what did you give birth to when you said to your father? Or say to the mother, “What have you given birth to?”?

This is what the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, who created Israel, says: Ask me what will come. As for my sons and the work of my hands, you can ask me for my destiny. (Please command me in the original text)

I have made the earth, and I have made men on the earth. With my own hands, I have spread out the heavens, and all the phenomena in heaven have been predetermined by me.

I will raise up Gullah in righteousness, and I will make all his paths straight. He will build my city and release my captives, not for wages or rewards. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

This is what the Lord says: The labor of Egypt and the goods of Ethiopia will belong to you, and the high and mighty people of Zebah will surrender to you and belong to you. They will come and follow you with chains. I bow down to you and pray to you, saying, God is truly among you, and there is no other God besides him; There are no other gods.

O God of Israel, the Savior, you are truly a God who hides himself.

All who create idols will be ashamed and ashamed, and they will all be ashamed together.

Only Israel will be saved by the Lord and receive eternal salvation. You will not be ashamed or ashamed, until eternity is endless.

The Lord, who created the heavens, created the God of all the earth. He created and strengthened the earth, not to make it desolate, but to give it to people to dwell in. He said, I am the Lord, and there is no other God.

I did not speak in a secret and dark place, nor did I say to the descendants of Jacob, ‘You have sought me in vain; I, the Lord, speak righteousness, and speak uprightness.’.

Gather together, you who have escaped from the nations. Those who carry carved puppets and pray to gods who cannot save others have no knowledge.

Speak and explain your reasoning, and let them consult with each other. Who has pointed out from ancient times, and who has recounted from ancient times, is not I the Lord? There is no other god besides me. I am a righteous God and Savior, and there is no other God besides me.

People from the ends of the earth should look up to me and be saved. Because I am a god, there is no other god.

I swear by myself that the words spoken by my mouth are in righteousness and will not be reversed. Every knee will bow down to me, and every mouth will swear by me.

People say about me, ‘Righteousness and power, but in the Lord.’. Everyone will turn to him, and anyone who is angry with him will be ashamed.

The descendants of Israel will be justified in the Lord and will boast.


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