首页 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 10

Isaiah_Chapter 10

Woe to those who establish unjust laws and record deceitful judgments. To turn the poor as…

Woe to those who establish unjust laws and record deceitful judgments.

To turn the poor astray, to take away the right of the poor among my people, to make widows a prey, and orphans a prey.

What will you do when disaster comes from afar on the day of punishment? Who are you running to for help? Where does your glory (or treasure) remain?

They had no choice but to bow down under the captives and fall under the slain. Nevertheless, the anger of the Lord has not yet turned away, and his hand is still stretched out.

Assyria is the rod of my anger, holding the rod of my indignation in my hand.

I will send him to attack the blasphemous nation, and command him to attack the people whom I am angry with, plundering wealth for plunder and plundering for plunder, trampling them down like the soil on the streets.

However, he didn’t mean it that way, and his heart didn’t plan on it either. He wanted to destroy and cut off many countries in his heart.

He said, Are not all my servants kings?

Isn’t Caleno like Kakimesh? Isn’t Hamath not like Arbad? Isn’t Samaria like Damascus?

I have reached the country with idols. The idols carved in these countries are more than the idols of Jerusalem and Samaria.

How did I treat Samaria and its idols? Will I not treat Jerusalem and its idols in the same way?

When the Lord accomplished all his work in Mount Zion and Jerusalem, he said, I will punish the king of Assyria for his arrogant heart and the glory of his haughty eyes.

Because he said, What I have accomplished is through the power of my hands and my wisdom. I was already smart. I have moved the borders of the nations, plundering the treasures they have accumulated, and like a warrior, I have humbled those who sit on the throne.

My hands reach the treasures of the nations, as if a person has reached a bird’s nest. I also have the whole land, like people picking up abandoned bird eggs. There are no wings, no mouths, and no chirping.

Axe, how can one boast to those who chop wood with an axe? Saw, how can we be arrogant towards those who use saws? It’s like swinging a stick and lifting it, like lifting a non wooden person with a stick.

Therefore, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will make the fat and strong of the king of Assyria lean and weak. Under his glory, a fire will ignite like burning.

The light of Israel will be like fire, and his Holy One will be like a flame. In one day, burn all the thorns and thistles of the king of Assyria.

And he burned up all the glory of his forest and fertile fields. It’s like someone carrying a military flag fainted.

The remaining trees in his forest will be sparse, even children can write their numbers.

On that day, the rest of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no longer rely on those who struck them, but will rely truthfully on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

What remains of the house of Jacob will be returned to the Almighty God.

O Israel, although your people are as many as the sand of the sea, only the remaining will return. The matter of extinction has been determined, and righteousness will be carried out, like the overflow of water.

For the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will accomplish the predetermined end in all the earth.

Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts, O my people who dwell in Zion, do not be afraid of the king of Assyria, even though he has struck you with his rod and lifted up his rod against you, just like Egypt.

For in a little while, my anger against you will end, and my anger will rage against him, causing him to perish.

The Lord of hosts will raise up a whip against him, just as he killed the Midianites at the rock of Oreb. The rod of the Lord shall stretch out towards the sea, and lift it up, as in Egypt.

On that day, the burden of the king of Assyria will leave your shoulders, and his yoke will leave your neck. The yoke will also break due to its strength. (Or destroyed due to ointment)

The king of Assyria came to Ayah and passed through Miglon. Place supplies in Mima.

They passed the pass and stayed in Geba. The Rama people tremble. The Gibeanians of Saul fled.

O inhabitants of Karim, let her shout loudly. Laisha people, listen. Alas, the poor Anathoth.

Madonna took refuge. The residents of Jibing fled.

On that day, the king of Assyria will rest his army at Nob. Wave your hand at the mountain of the daughter of Zion, which is the mountain of Jerusalem.

See, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, has cut off the branches with fear. The tall ones will be cut down, and the tall ones will be knocked down.

He will cut down the dense forest with an iron tool, and the trees of Lebanon will be felled by the Mighty One.


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