1 Thessalonians_Chapter 3
We can no longer tolerate it, so we are willing to wait alone in Athens.
Send our brothers Timothy, who is a minister of God in the Gospel of Christ, to strengthen you and comfort you in your faith.
To prevent anyone from being swayed by various troubles. Because you yourselves know that our suffering is predetermined.
When we were with you, we told you in advance that we would suffer, and it was indeed fulfilled, and you also know.
For this reason, since I could no longer bear it, I sent someone to know your faith, afraid that the one who tempted you would ultimately tempt you, causing our labor to be in vain.
But Timothy just returned from you and reported to us the good news of your faith and love, saying that you always remember us and eagerly desire to see us, just as we desire to see you.
So brothers, we have been comforted through your faith in all our hardships and troubles.
If you stand firm on the main stand, we will live.
What kind of thanksgiving can we give to God for all your great joy in the presence of God?
We earnestly pray day and night to see your face and fill your lack of faith.
May God our Father and our Lord Jesus always lead us to you.
May the Lord grant you a growing and abundant love for each other and for all, just as we love you.
So that when our Lord Jesus comes with all his saints, your hearts may be strengthened in the presence of our Father God, holy and blameless.