首页 1 Peter 1 Peter_Chapter 5

1 Peter_Chapter 5

I, as an elder and a witness to the suffering of Christ, and sharing the glory that will b…

I, as an elder and a witness to the suffering of Christ, and sharing the glory that will be revealed later, urge those among you who are also elders with me.

Shepherd the flock of God among you, and take care of them according to God’s will. Not out of coercion, but out of willingly. It’s not because of greed, but because of willingness.

It is not entrusted to you by the authority, but a role model for the flock of sheep.

When the Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that never fades away.

You young should also submit to the elderly. Even all of you, be humble and bow down to one another. Because God blocks the proud and bestows grace on the humble.

Therefore, be humble and submit to the power of God, and he will elevate you in time.

Cast all your worries on God, for He cares for you.

Be cautious and vigilant. Because your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, marching everywhere in search of someone to devour.

You must resist him with strong faith, because you know that your brothers in the world have also experienced such suffering.

The God who bestowed all grace upon you, who called you in Christ to enjoy his eternal glory, will personally perfect you, strengthen you, and give you strength after you have suffered temporarily.

May power belong to him forever and ever. Amen.

I have written this letter briefly, entrusting my faithful brother Silla to you, encouraging you, and proving that this grace is the true grace of God. You must stand firm on this favor.

The church that was chosen with you in Babylon greets you. My son Mark also greets you.

You should greet each other with a kiss of love. Peace be to all you who are in Christ.




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