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1 Peter_Chapter 4

Since Christ is suffering in the flesh, also use such a will as a weapon. Because those wh…

Since Christ is suffering in the flesh, also use such a will as a weapon. Because those who have suffered in the flesh have already been cut off from sin.

With such a heart, from now on, you can spend the remaining time in the world not according to human desires, but only according to the will of God.

For in the past, I followed the will of the Gentiles, indulging in debauchery, lusting, drunkenness, feasting, drinking in groups, and hateful idolatry. The time has been enough.

They think it strange to slander you when they see that you are not following the path of debauchery with them in these things.

They will pay their accounts before the Lord who will judge the living and the dead.

For this reason, even the dead have had the gospel preached to them, that their flesh may be judged according to man, but their spirit may live by God.

The ending of all things is approaching. So be cautious and self disciplined, watch and pray.

The most important thing is to truly love each other. Because love can cover up many sins.

You should treat each other well and not complain.

Everyone should serve one another according to the gifts they have received, and be a good steward of all the gifts of God.

If anyone preaches, speak according to the holy words of God. If anyone serves, serve according to the power given by God. May God be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. Originally, glory and power belong to him forever and ever. Amen.

Dear brothers, do not think it strange that the test of fire refining has come to you, as if something extraordinary has happened

Be joyful. Because you suffer together with Christ, so that you may also rejoice and be joyful when His glory is revealed.

Blessed are you if you are insulted in the name of Christ. Because the spirit of God’s glory resides among you.

But no one among you shall suffer because of murder, theft, wickedness, and meddling.

If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed. But I will give glory to God for this name.

Because the time has come, judgment will begin from the house of God. If we start first, what will be the end for those who do not believe in the gospel of God?

If the righteous are only saved, where will the ungodly and sinners stand?

So those who suffer according to God’s will must wholeheartedly do good and hand over their souls to the faithful Creator.


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