首页 1 Peter 1 Peter_Chapter 2

1 Peter_Chapter 2

Therefore, having removed all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all blasphemy, Love…

Therefore, having removed all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all blasphemy,

Love the pure spiritual milk, just as newborn babies love milk, so that you may grow and be saved.

If you have tasted the taste of the Lord’s grace, then it will be so

The Lord is a living stone. Although abandoned by humans, it is chosen and precious by God.

When you come to the Lord, you are also like living stones, built into a spiritual palace and made holy priests, offering spiritual sacrifices that are pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.

For it is said in the scripture, See, I have placed the precious corner stones that I have chosen in Zion. Those who trust him will not be ashamed.

So he is precious to those who believe, and to those who do not believe, it is said that the stone abandoned by the craftsmen has become the head stone of the corner.

And he said, He has made a stumbling stone and a falling rock. They are both disobedient and stumbling in reason. They stumbled because they did not obey the law, and their stumbling was predetermined.

Only you are the chosen race, the revered priests, the holy kingdom, and the people of God, to proclaim the virtues of those who call you out of darkness and into wonderful light.

You were not considered a people before, but now you are the people of God. I never received mercy before, but now I have received mercy.

Dear brothers, you are travelers and sojourners. I advise you to abstain from physical desires. This selfish desire is at war with the soul.

Among the Gentiles, be upright in your conduct, so that those who slander you are evil, seeing your good deeds, will glorify God on the day of inspection.

For the sake of the Lord, submit to all the rules of men, or to the kings above,

Or a ruler appointed by the king to punish evil and reward good.

For the will of God is for you to do good, to stop the mouth of those who are foolish and ignorant.

Although you are free, do not use your freedom to cover up malice; you must always be servants of God.

Be sure to respect everyone. Dear brothers in the church. Fear God. Respected King.

Servants, be in awe and submit to your master in all things. Not only submit to the kind and gentle, but also to the eccentric.

It is admirable to endure the suffering of injustice if one seeks to hold their conscience to God.

If you are punished and beaten for your crimes, and can endure them, what is there to praise? But if you suffer for doing good and endure it, it is pleasing to God.

You were summoned for this reason. Because Christ has also suffered for you, he has left an example for you to follow in his footsteps.

He did not commit any crime, and there was no deceit in his words.

He was scolded and refused to respond. Victim does not say intimidating words. Only entrust oneself to the Lord who judges people justly.

He was hung on a tree and personally bore our sins, so that since we died in sin, we could live in righteousness. Because of his whip wound, you were healed.

You used to be like lost sheep. But now it is under the supervision of the shepherds of your souls.


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