
1 Peter_Chapter 3

Wives, submit to your own husbands. In this way, if there are husbands who do not follow reason, even if they do not listen, they can still be influenced by their wives’ conduct.

This is precisely because I see your chaste conduct and reverence.

Do not adorn yourself with braided hair, gold jewelry, or beautiful clothing on the outside,

As long as there is a gentle and peaceful heart inside as a decoration. This is extremely precious before God.

Because in ancient times, the holy women who relied on God were adorned with this and obedient to their husbands.

Just as Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him Lord. If you do good and are not afraid of intimidation, you are the daughter of Sarah.

Husbands, you must also live with your wives according to reason. Respect her because she is a vessel of weakness that is weaker than you, and she bears the grace of life with you. This will ensure that your prayers are unobstructed.

In short, you must all be one heart, empathize with each other, love each other like brothers, and have a compassionate and humble heart.

Do not repay evil with insults, but bless with insults. Because you were called for this, so that you may receive blessings.

For it is said in the scripture that if a person loves life and wishes to enjoy good things, they must restrain their tongue from speaking evil, and their lips from speaking deceitful words.

We must also depart from evil and do good. Seeking harmony and pursuing wholeheartedly.

For the eyes of the Lord look upon the righteous, and the ears of the Lord hear their prayers. Only those who do evil will the Lord turn his face towards them.

If you are enthusiastic about doing good, who will harm you?

It is fortunate that you suffer for righteousness. Don’t be afraid of human intimidation, and don’t panic.

As long as you hold the Lord Christ holy in your heart. When someone asks why you hope in your heart, be always prepared and answer everyone with a gentle and respectful heart.

Having a conscience without loss, let those who falsely accuse you of good conduct in Christ be ashamed in whatever matter you are slandered.

If the will of God causes you to suffer for doing good, it is better for you to suffer for doing evil.

Because Christ also suffered once for sin (suffering to death), to bring us to God with righteousness instead of unrighteousness. He was put to death according to his physical condition. According to spirituality, he was resurrected.

He used this spirit to preach to those spirits in prison.

He is the one who did not believe when God tolerated and waited for the ark in Noah. At that time, when entering the ark, only eight people were saved by the water.

The baptism indicated by this water is now resurrected through Jesus Christ. Also save you. This baptism does not care about removing the impurities of the body, but only seeks a conscience without any harm before God.

Jesus has entered heaven, on the right side of God. All the angels, as well as those with authority and power, have obeyed him.

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