首页 Shi Shi Ji Shi Shi Ji_Chapter 20

Shi Shi Ji_Chapter 20

So Israel went out from Dan to Beersheba, and all the people living in the land of Gilead,…

So Israel went out from Dan to Beersheba, and all the people living in the land of Gilead, like one person, and gathered before the Lord in Mizbah.

The leaders of the Israelites, including the commanders of the tribes, stood in the assembly of the people of God. There are a total of 400000 infantry carrying knives.

The Israelites went up to Mizpah, and the people of Benjamin heard it. The Israelites said, “Please explain to us the cause of this evil act.”.

The Levite, who was the husband of the woman who was murdered, replied, “I and my concubine have come to stay in Gibeah, Benjamin.”.

The Gibeanians got up at night and surrounded the house where I lived, wanting to kill me. They also raped my concubine to death.

I will cut my concubine’s body into pieces and have them transported to the entire land of Israel for inheritance, because the Gibeanians have committed lewd and ugly acts in Israel.

You Israelites should all plan and deliberate.

All the people stood up like one person, saying, ‘We will not even go back to our tents or our houses.’.

We will do this to the people of Gibeah, attacking them according to the lot drawn.

We will take ten out of a hundred tribes of Israel, a hundred out of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to transport food for the people. When the people come to Gibeah in Benjamin, we will conquer them according to the disgraceful deeds of the Gibeanians in Israel.

So all Israel joined together as one person and gathered to attack that city.

The tribes of Israel sent messengers to ask the families of the tribe of Benjamin, ‘Why have you done such evil things among you?’?

Now hand over the bandits of Gibeah, so that we may put them to death and eliminate this evil from Israel. But the people of Benjamin refused to listen to their brothers the Israelites.

The people of Benjamin came out of their cities and gathered in Gibeah to fight against the Israelites.

At that time, the people of Benjamin numbered twenty-six thousand swordsmen from each city. In addition, the Kibians also ordered seven hundred elite soldiers.

There are seven hundred selected elite soldiers among the army, all of whom are left-handed and capable of using machine strings to throw stones at people, with no hair missing.

Besides the Benjamin people, there were a total of 400000 Israelites who wielded swords, all of whom were warriors.

The Israelites got up and went to Bethel to ask God, “Who among us should go up first to fight against the people of Benjamin?”? The Lord said, Judah should go up first.

The Israelites got up in the morning and camped against Gibeah.

When the Israelites came out to fight against the Benjamites, they set up a formation in front of Gibeah.

The people of Benjamin came out of Gibeah and killed 22000 Israelites that day.

The Israelites fought bravely against each other and continued to set up their formation at the place where they had set up their formation on the first day.

Before setting up the battle line, the Israelites went up and wept before the Lord until evening, asking the Lord, ‘Is it okay for us to go back to war with our brother Benjamin?’. The Lord said, Go up and attack them.

On the second day, the Israelites came forward and attacked the people of Benjamin.

On this day, the people of Benjamin also came out of Gibeah to fight against the Israelites and killed 18000 of them, all wielding swords.

All the Israelites went up to Bethel and sat before the Lord, crying and fasting until evening. And offer burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord.

At that time, the Ark of God was there. Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the grandson of Aaron, stood by the ark. The Israelites asked the Lord, “Should we go out again to fight against our brother Benjamin?”? Is it still a military strike? The Lord said, Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hands.

The Israelites set up ambushes around Gibeah.

On the third day, the Israelites went up again to attack the Benjamites and set up their formation in front of Gibeah, just like the previous two times.

The people of Benjamin also came out to meet the enemy, and were lured away from the city. On two roads in the field, one leading to Bethel and the other leading to Gibeah, as in the previous two times, they killed about thirty Israelites with their hands.

The people of Benjamin said, They are still defeated before us. But the Israelites said, Let us flee and lure them away from the city to the road.

All Israel stood up and set up their formation in Baalthamah, and the ambush of Israel rushed forward from the place where they were ambushed in Maligabah.

Ten thousand elite soldiers from the Israelites came to fight in front of Gibeah, with a fierce force. But the people of Benjamin did not know that disaster was approaching.

The Lord caused the Israelites to defeat the people of Benjamin. On that day, the Israelites killed 25000 and 1100 Benjamites, all of whom were swordsmen.

So the people of Benjamin knew that they had been defeated. First, the Israelites. Because by relying on the ambush set up in front of Gibeah, he feigned defeat before the people of Benjamin.

The ambush quickly broke into Gibeah and killed the entire city with the sword.

The Israelites made a pre agreement with the ambush to set fire to the city with smoke rising up as a sign.

When the Israelites were about to retreat from the battle, the people of Benjamin began to kill about thirty of them, and they said, They were still defeated by us as they were before.

When the smoke rose up like a pillar from the city, the people of Benjamin turned around and saw the smoke of the entire city soaring into the sky.

The Israelites turned around again, and the people of Benjamin were greatly alarmed because they saw disaster coming on them.

They turned around and fled towards the wilderness in front of the Israelites. The Israelites are chasing after them from behind. Those who came out of various cities also attacked and killed them.

The Israelites surrounded the Benjamin people and pursued them, trampling on them at their resting place against Gibeah in the sunrise.

Eighteen thousand Benjamin people died, all of whom were brave warriors.

The others turned around and fled towards the wilderness, heading towards the rock of Rimmon. The Israelites killed five thousand of them on the road, like picking up leftover ears. They pursued them to Kedun and killed two thousand of them.

On that day, a total of 25000 people died in Benjamin, all of whom were brave warriors wielding swords.

Only six hundred people turned around and fled towards the wilderness, arriving at the rock of Rimmon, where they stayed for four months.

The Israelites then turned to the land of Benjamin and killed all the people, livestock, and everything they encountered with the sword. They also set fire to all the cities.


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