首页 Shi Shi Ji Shi Shi Ji_Chapter 3

Shi Shi Ji_Chapter 3

The Lord left these tribes to test the Israelites who had never known about the war with C…

The Lord left these tribes to test the Israelites who had never known about the war with Canaan,

So that the descendants of Israel may know and learn about wars they did not know.

All that remained were the five lords of the Philistines, along with all the Canaanites, Sidonians, and the Hivites living on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baalhermon to the mouth of Hamath.

These tribes were left to test the Israelites, knowing that they would obey the commandments of the Lord through Moses to their ancestors.

But the Israelites lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites,

Marry their daughters as wives, marry their own daughters to their sons, and serve their gods.

The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, forgetting the Lord their God and going to serve the Baals and Asherah,

So the anger of the Lord was raging against the Israelites, and he handed them over to the hands of King Gushan Rezatham of Mesopotamia. The Israelites served Cushanrishatian for eight years.

When the Israelites cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer to save them, Othniel son of Kenas, Caleb’s brother.

The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he became a judge of Israel and went out to war. The Lord handed over the king of Mesopotamia, Cushan and Rezatham, into his hands, and he overcame Cushan and Rezatham.

So the middle of the country was peaceful for forty years. Othniel, the son of Kenas, died.

The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord again, and the Lord made Eglon king of Moab strong against the Israelites.

Eglon gathered the children of Ammon and Amalek to attack the Israelites and occupy the city of Palm Trees.

So the Israelites served King Eglon of Moab eighteen years.

When the Israelites cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a savior for them, Ehud son of Gerah, a Benjamite. He is left-handed. The Israelites entrusted him with sending gifts to King Eglon of Moab.

Ehud wielded a double-edged sword, one elbow long, and carried it under his clothes on his right leg.

He presented a gift to King Eglon of Moab, who was extremely obese.

After Ehud finished offering the gift, he sent away the person who carried the gift,

But he returned from the land near Jijia where he was chiseling stones, and said, O king, I have a confidential matter to report to you. Wang said, avoid it. So the attendants on both sides retreated.

Ehud came to the king. Wang sat alone on the cool building. Ehud said, I have been commanded by God to report to you something. Wang stood up from his seat.

Ehud extended his left hand, drew his sword from his right leg, and stabbed it into the king’s belly,

Even the sword handle was pierced in. The sword was caught in the fat, and he did not pull it out of the king’s belly, but pierced through his back.

Yihu went out to the corridor and locked all the doors of the building.

After Ehud came out, the king’s servants arrived and saw that the door of the tower was locked. They said, “He must have had a great release upstairs.”.

They were tired of waiting and saw that they still didn’t open the building door, so they took the key and opened it. Unexpectedly, their owner had died and collapsed to the ground.

When they were delayed, Ehud fled, passed through the land of chiseling stones, and fled to Zilah.

When they arrived, they blew the horn in the mountains of Ephraim. The Israelites followed him down the mountain, and he led the way ahead,

And he said to them, Follow me, for the Lord has delivered your enemy Moab into your hands. So they followed him down and guarded the crossing of the Jordan River, not allowing Moab to pass by alone.

At that time, about ten thousand Moabites were killed, all strong warriors, and no one escaped.

So Moab was subdued by the Israelites. In the 80th year of the Taiping period in the middle of the country.

After Ehud, Shangar son of Anah killed six hundred Philistines with a driving rod. He also saved the Israelites.


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