首页 psalm psalm_Chapter 148

psalm_Chapter 148

Praise the Lord, praise him from heaven, praise him from high places. All his messengers w…

Praise the Lord, praise him from heaven, praise him from high places.

All his messengers will praise him. His armies will praise him.

Praise him, sun and moon. Praise all the shining stars.

Praise him, the heavens in heaven and the waters in heaven.

May these praise the name of the Lord. Because he caused everything at his command.

He established these things forever and ever. He was destined not to pass away.

All the big fish on the ground and all the deep oceans,

Fire and hail, snow and mist, the winds that make his life come true,

The mountains and hills, the fruiting trees, and all the cedars,

Beasts and all livestock, insects and birds,

The kings and peoples of the world, the leaders and all the judges of the world,

Praise the Lord, young men and virgins, old men and children.

May these praise the name of the Lord. Because his unique name is revered. His glory is above heaven and earth.

He lifted up the horn of his people, so that all his holy people, the Israelites, who were close to him, praised him. Praise the Lord.


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