
psalm_Chapter 106

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

Who can proclaim the power of the Lord, and who can declare all his virtues.

Blessed is he who abides by fairness and always performs righteousness.

O Lord, with your kindness towards your people, remember me with this kindness and grant me your salvation,

Let me see the blessings of your chosen people, rejoice in the joy of your people, and boast together with your inheritance.

We committed crimes together with our ancestors. We have committed evil and done evil.

Our ancestors did not understand your wonders in Egypt, did not remember your abundant love, but instead rebelled in the Red Sea.

However, he saved them in his own name to demonstrate his great power.

And rebuked the Red Sea, and the sea dried up; He led them through the depths, as through the wilderness.

He saved them from the hands of those who hated them, and redeemed them from the hands of their enemies.

The water submerged their enemies, leaving no survivors.

At that time, they believed his words and sang praises to him.

Not long after, they forgot his actions and did not look up to his guidance,

On the contrary, he became aroused in the wilderness and tempted God in the wilderness.

He gave them what they asked for, but made their hearts weak.

They also envied Moses and Aaron, the Holy One of the Lord, in the camp.

The earth cracked open, swallowed the Great Collapse, and covered up the people of Abiram.

A fire ignited within their party, and flames burned down the wicked.

They made a calf on Mount Horeb and worshipped the cast image.

So replace their glorious Lord with the image of a grazing ox.

Forget God their savior. He had done great things in Egypt.

Do wonders in the land of Ham, and do terrifying things in the Red Sea.

So, he said he wanted to exterminate them. If it were not for Moses, whom he had chosen, standing in the breach, causing his anger to turn away, he would have destroyed them.

They despised the beautiful land and did not believe his words,

Whispering in one’s own tent, not listening to the voice of the Lord.

So he swore to them that he would cause them to fall in the wilderness,

Let their descendants fall among the nations, scattered throughout the land.

They also joined forces with Baalpeor and ate offerings to the God of Death.

They provoked the Lord to anger by doing so, and a plague spread among them.

At that time, Phinehas stood up and punished the wicked, and the plague came to an end.

That’s even his righteousness, for generations to come, forever.

They made the Lord angry again at the waters of Meribah, so much so that Moses also suffered losses.

Because they provoked his spirit, Moses spoke impatiently with his mouth.

They did not destroy the Gentiles as the Lord commanded them,

To blend in with them and learn from their behavior,

Serving their idols has become a trap for oneself.

Sacrifice one’s own children to ghosts and demons,

Flowing innocent blood is the blood of one’s own children, and offering them to the idols of Canaan, the land is defiled with blood.

In this way, they were defiled by their own actions and committed lewdness in their behavior.

Therefore, the anger of the Lord is burning against his people, hating his inheritance.

Hand them over to the hands of the Gentiles; Those who hate them rule over them.

Their enemies also oppressed them, and they fell under their hands.

He has repeatedly rescued them, but they have plotted rebellion and have been brought down by their own sins.

However, when he heard their cry, he paid attention to their distress.

Remember his covenant for them, and repent according to his abundant love.

He also made them find mercy before all those who plundered them.

O Lord our God, save us, gather us from the nations, so that we may praise your holy name and triumph in your praise.

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from ancient times to eternity. May all the people say, Amen. Praise the Lord.

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