
psalm_Chapter 89

I will sing of the Lord’s mercy forever. I will spread your faithfulness to Bandai through my mouth.

For I have said, Your mercy will be established forever. Your faithfulness will be steadfast in heaven.

I have made a covenant with the person I have chosen and sworn to my servant David.

I will establish your descendants forever, I will establish your throne forever.

O Lord, the heavens will praise your wonders. In the assembly of the saints, praise your faithfulness.

Who can compare to Jehovah in the sky? Who among the sons of God can be like the Lord?

He is a mighty God in the assembly of the saints, more fearsome than all those around him.

O Lord God of hosts, which mighty one is like you, Lord? Your faithfulness is around you.

Your arrogance in governing the sea. The waves churn, and you calm him down.

You broke Lahab and it seems like he has been killed. You scattered your enemies with your capable arm.

Heaven belongs to you, and the earth also belongs to you. The world and all that is filled in it are built for you.

North and South are created for you. He Bo and Heimen both cheer for your name.

You have a powerful arm. Your hand is strong, and your right hand is raised high.

Justice and fairness are the foundation of your throne. Love and honesty, walk before you.

Blessed are the people who know to cheer for you. O Lord, they walk in the light of your face.

They rejoice all day long in your name, and are lifted up in your righteousness.

You are the glory of their power. Because you are pleased with us, our horns will be lifted up.

Our shield belongs to the Lord. Our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel.

At that time, you prophesied to your holy people in a vision, saying, I have bestowed the power of salvation on the one who is capable. I hold high the chosen one from among the people.

I have found my servant David and anointed him with my holy ointment.

My hands will make him stand firm. My arm will also strengthen him.

The enemy will not extort him, and the wicked son will not afflict him.

I will smash his enemies in front of him and kill those who hate him.

But my faithfulness and my love will be with him. Because of my name, his horn will be lifted up.

I will make his left hand reach out to the sea and his right hand reach out to the river.

He will call me, saying, You are my Father, my God, the rock that saves me.

I will also make him the eldest son, the highest king in the world.

I will preserve my love for him forever. The covenant I have made with him shall be steadfast.

I will also make his descendants endure forever, and make his throne as long as heaven.

If his descendants abandon my law and do not follow my laws.

Abandoning my laws and not keeping my commandments.

I will punish their wrongdoing with a cane and their sins with a whip.

But I will not completely retract my mercy, nor will I let my faithfulness be abandoned.

I will not betray my covenant, nor will I change what comes out of my mouth.

I swear once by my own holiness. I will never lie to David.

His descendants will endure forever, and his throne will be before me like the eternal sun.

Like the moon forever standing, like the steadfast witness of heaven. (Fine pull)

But when you are angry with your anointed one, discard and reject him.

You have detested the covenant you made with your servant, trampling his crown on the ground.

You demolished all his fences. Make his security a wasteland.

Everyone who passes by snatches him. He became a shame to his neighbors.

You raised his enemy’s right hand high. You make all his enemies rejoice.

You call his sword rolling, make him unable to stand in battle.

You have put an end to his radiance and pushed down his throne to the ground.

You reduce his youth days. It made him feel ashamed again. (Fine pull)

O Lord, how long will this be? Do you want to hide yourself forever? How long will your anger burn like fire?

How short it is for you to miss me. What kind of emptiness do you create for the world? (Fine pull)

Who can live forever and save his soul from the power of the underworld? (Fine pull)

Lord, where is the mercy that you swore to David in your faithfulness to perform?

Lord, remember the shame that your servants have suffered, remember how I have kept all the shame of a strong people in my arms.

O Lord, your enemies have used this humiliation to shame your servants, to shame the footsteps of your anointed ones.

Praise be to the Lord forever. Amen, amen.

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