
psalm_Chapter 78

O my people, pay attention to my teachings and listen to the words of my mouth.

I want to speak metaphorically. I want to say ancient riddles.

It is what we hear and know, and it is also what our ancestors told us.

We will not conceal these things from their descendants. Tell the goodness and power of the Lord, and his wondrous works, to future generations.

Because he established the law in Jacob and established it in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to pass on to their descendants.

So that future generations can know. They will also get up and tell their descendants.

So that they may look up to God and not forget His works. Only keep his commands.

Do not be like their ancestors, who are stubborn, rebellious, and have an untrustworthy heart towards God.

The descendants of Ephraim, armed with weapons and bows, turned and retreated on the day of battle.

They do not keep God’s covenant and refuse to do according to his law.

And forget what he has done, and the wondrous works he has shown them.

He did wonders in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan, in the sight of their ancestors.

He split the sea and made them pass by. Also known as water standing up like a fortress.

He guides them day by day with clouds and night by night with flames.

He split the rock in the wilderness and gave them plenty of water to drink, as if they had come out of the abyss.

He causes water to gush out of the rock, making it flow down like rivers.

But they still offended him and rebelled against the Most High in the dry land.

They test God in their hearts and seek food as they desire.

And he spake falsely of God, saying, Can God make a feast in the wilderness?

He once struck a rock, causing water to gush out and become a river. Can he still give food? Can he still prepare meat for his people?

So when the Lord heard it, he was angry. A blazing fire is burning against Jacob, and anger is rising against Israel.

Because they do not believe in God and do not rely on his salvation.

But he commanded the sky and opened its doors.

Like rain giving them food, giving them the food of heaven.

Everyone (or individuals) eats the food of the powerful. He gave them food to satisfy them.

He led the east wind in the sky and used his power to bring the south wind.

He brought down flesh like rain among them, as much as dust, and birds like the sand of the sea.

Falling in their camp, on all four sides of their residence.

They ate and were full. So, it goes as they want.

They are greedy and insatiable, while the food is still in their mouths,

God’s anger surged against them and killed the fat among them. Defeat the young men of Israel.

Despite this, they still commit crimes and do not believe in his wonderful deeds.

Therefore he has turned all their days into nothingness, and their years into terror.

When he killed them, they only asked him, turned around, and earnestly sought God.

They also remember that God is their rock, the Most High God is their Redeemer.

But they flattered him with their mouths and lied to him with their tongues.

Because their hearts were not right with him, and they were not faithful in his covenant.

But he has mercy, forgives their sins, and does not destroy them. And repeatedly dispelling his anger, not letting out all his anger.

He thought they were just blood, a gust of wind that never returned.

How many have they rebelled against him in the wilderness, causing him to worry in the wilderness?

They repeatedly tested God and provoked the Holy One of Israel.

They do not remember his power or the day when he redeemed them from the enemy.

How did he show miracles in the land of Egypt and wonders in the field of Zoan.

Turn their rivers and the water in their streams into blood, so that they cannot drink.

He called for swarms of flies to fall among them and devour them. Also call the frog to exterminate them.

Give their local produce to grasshoppers, and give their hard-earned gains to locusts.

He rained hail and damaged their grape trees. The severe frost damaged their mulberry trees.

And they gave their livestock to hail, and their herds to lightning.

He turned fierce anger, anger, anger, and suffering into a group of messengers who brought disaster upon them.

He paved the way for his anger and handed them over to the plague, causing them to die.

Slay all the firstborn in Egypt, and in the tents of Ham, slay the firstborn of their strength.

But he brought out his people like sheep, and led them like flocks in the wilderness.

He led them steadily and securely, so that they were not afraid. The sea submerged their enemies.

He took them to the border of his holy land, to the mountain range that he had obtained with his right hand.

He drove out the foreigners before them and measured their land with ropes as an inheritance, so that the tribes of Israel could live in their tents.

They still test the most rebellious God and do not keep his laws.

Instead, they retreated and acted deceitfully, just like their ancestors. They change, like a flipping bow.

Because of their high places, they provoked his anger, and because of their carved idols, they stirred up his indignation.

When God heard this, he was angry and extremely detested the Israelites.

Even he abandoned the tent of Shiloh, which he had set up among the people.

And he delivered his ark of power into captivity, and his glory into the hands of the enemy.

And he delivered his people to the sword, and was angry with his inheritance.

The young man was burned down by the fire. Virgos have no songs of joy.

The priest fell by the sword. The widow does not mourn.

At that time, the Lord woke up like men, drinking and shouting like warriors.

He repelled his enemies and put them to eternal shame.

And he abandoned Joseph’s tent and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim,

But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved.

He built his sanctuary like a high mountain, and built it like a land that endures forever.

And he chose his servant David, and summoned him from the sheepfold.

Let him no longer follow the lactating ewes, to feed his people Jacob and his inheritance Israel.

So he shepherded them with the purity of his heart, and guided them with the cleverness of his hands.

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