
psalm_Chapter 71

O Lord, I take refuge in you. Please make me never feel ashamed.

In your righteousness, rescue me, pull me out, listen to me, and save me.

Please be the rock where I dwell. You are destined to save me. Because you are my rock, my copycat.

O my God, save me from the hands of the wicked, from the hands of unrighteousness and cruelty.

O Lord GOD, you are my hope. You have been my reliance since I was young.

I was supported by you from birth. It was you who brought me out of my mother’s womb. I will always praise you.

Many people find me strange. But you are my strong refuge.

Your praise and glory will fill my mouth all day long.

When I’m old, please don’t abandon me. When my strength weakens, please do not abandon me.

My enemies are talking about me. Those who pry at my life are discussing with each other,

Saying, God has abandoned him. Let’s chase him and catch him. Because there was no one to rescue.

God, please do not stay far from me. My God, please help me quickly.

May those who are enemies of my life be ashamed and destroyed. May those who plotted against me be humiliated and ashamed.

I will always hope and praise you even more.

My mouth will speak of your righteousness and your salvation all day long. Because I have countless.

I will speak of the power of the Lord Jehovah. I just want to mention your righteousness.

God, when I was young, you taught me. Until now, I have spread your wonderful deeds.

O God, when I am old and white, do not abandon me until I show your power to the next generation and your great power to future generations.

God, your righteousness is high. O God who has done great things, who can be like you.

You are asking us to experience great difficulties and difficulties, and you will bring us back to life. Rescue from the depths of the earth.

Please make me more prosperous and turn to comfort me.

My God, I will praise you with the harp and praise your honesty. O Holy One of Israel, I will play the harp and sing praises to you.

When I sing praises to you, my lips and the soul you have redeemed will rejoice.

And my tongue will speak of your righteousness all day long, because those who plotted against me have been put to shame and disgrace.

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