首页 Philippians Philippians_Chapter 4

Philippians_Chapter 4

My beloved and longing brothers, you are my joy and my crown. My dear brothers, stand firm…

My beloved and longing brothers, you are my joy and my crown. My dear brothers, stand firm in the Lord.

I advise Father Friend and Shunduki to unite in the Lord.

I also pray that you, who are truly under the same yoke, help these two women, for they have toiled with me in the gospel. There is also Clement and the others who work with me. Their names are all in the book of life.

You must always rejoice in the Lord. I’ll say it again, you should be happy.

Let everyone know your humble heart. The Lord is already close.

You should have no worries, but in all things, through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, tell God what you want.

The peace that God has bestowed upon you beyond all expectations will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Brothers, I have more to say. Everything that is real, respectable, just, clean, lovely, and has a good name. If there is any virtue, if there is any praise, remember these things.

Do all that you have learned, received, heard, and seen in me. The God of peace will be with you.

I rejoice greatly in the Lord, because your longing for my heart is happening again now. You have always missed me, but you didn’t get a chance.

I am not saying this because of lack. I can be content in any situation, and this is what I have learned.

I know how to deal with lowliness, and I also know how to deal with abundance, whether to be satisfied, hungry, surplus, or lacking, whatever happens, and I have obtained the secret.

I can do anything with what gives me strength.

However, it is a good thing for you and me to suffer together.

O Philippians, you also know that when I first preached the gospel and left Macedonia, there was no other church besides you that provided me with the things of giving and receiving.

Even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent messengers twice to meet my needs.

I do not ask for any gifts, all I ask is for your fruits to gradually increase and be credited to your account.

But I have everything, and I have more than enough. I am already full, for I have received your gift from Ebaphrodites, as an exquisite aroma, a sacrifice that God accepts and delights in.

My God will make all your needs sufficient in Christ Jesus, according to the abundance of his glory.

May glory be given to our Father God forever and ever. Amen.

Greetings to all the saints in Christ Jesus. All my brothers here greet you.

All the saints greet you. The people in Caesar’s house specially greet you.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ remain in your hearts.




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