首页 Philippians Philippians_Chapter 1

Philippians_Chapter 1

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, wrote letters to all the saints living in Phil…

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, wrote letters to all the saints living in Philippi, and to all the overseers and deacons in Christ Jesus.

May grace and peace be upon you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Whenever I miss you, I thank my God.

(Whenever I pray for you all, I always pray with joy and joy.)

Because from the very beginning until now, you have worked together to promote the gospel.

I firmly believe that those who have done good work in your hearts will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

It is only right for me to have such thoughts for all of you. Because you are always in my heart, whether I am in chains or in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you are all with me in grace.

I understand the heart of Christ Jesus and yearn eagerly for all of you. This is something that God can testify to me.

What I pray for is that your love will be abundant and abundant in knowledge and all kinds of knowledge.

To enable you to discern right from wrong, and to be honest and blameless until the day of Christ.

And filled with the fruit of righteousness through Jesus Christ, to bring glory and praise to God.

Brothers, I want you to know that what has happened to me has made the gospel prosper.

So that the chains I have received have been revealed to be for Christ’s sake among the entire army of the royal camp and among the rest of them.

And most of the brothers in the Lord believed and did not doubt me because of the bonds I received, spreading the word of God with boldness and fearlessness.

Some preach Christ out of jealousy and division. Some are also out of good intentions.

This is out of love, knowing that I was established to defend the gospel.

The first preaching of Christ was out of clique and dishonesty, intending to increase the suffering of my chains.

What’s wrong with this? Whether it is false or sincere, no matter what, Christ has been spread. I am happy for this, and I will also be happy.

Because I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will ultimately save me.

According to what I long for and hope for, nothing makes me ashamed, just be bold in everything. Whether it is life or death, it will always make Christ great in me.

Because I live as Christ, and death brings benefits to me.

But I live in the flesh, and if I achieve the fruits of my labor, I don’t know what to choose.

I am in a dilemma, willing to leave the world and be with Christ. Because this is incredibly good.

However, living in the flesh is even more important for you.

Since I firmly believe in this, I know that I will continue to dwell in the world and live with all of you, so that you may grow and rejoice in the way you believe.

May your joy in Christ Jesus increase even more when I come to you again.

As long as you act in accordance with the gospel of Christ. Call me, whether I come to see you or not, to hear your situation and know that you all have one mind, standing firm and working together for the gospel of faith.

We are not afraid of the fear of the enemy in everything. This is to prove that they have fallen, and that your salvation came from God.

Because you have received grace, not only will you be able to believe in Christ, but you will also suffer for him.

Your war is just as you have seen and heard in me before.




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