首页 Philippians Philippians_Chapter 3

Philippians_Chapter 3

Brothers, I have something else to say: rejoice in the Lord. I will write these words to y…

Brothers, I have something else to say: rejoice in the Lord. I will write these words to you again, which is not difficult for me, but appropriate for you.

Beware of dogs, beware of those who do evil, and beware of those who cut themselves off recklessly.

For truly circumcised are we who worship in the spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus, not relying on the flesh.

Actually, I can also rely on my physical body. If someone thinks he can rely on his physical body, I can rely even more.

On the eighth day, I was circumcised. I am an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born to a Hebrew. According to the law, I am a Pharisee.

To be enthusiastic, I am persecuting the church. As for the righteousness in the law, I am blameless.

But what I thought was beneficial to me before, I now consider to be harmful because of Christ.

Not only that, but I also consider everything to be a loss, because I consider the knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ to be the most precious. I have abandoned all things for him, treating them as manure, in order to obtain Christ.

And it is not through the law that there is righteousness in him, but through faith in Christ, which is righteousness through faith in God.

Let me know Christ, know the power of his resurrection, and know to suffer with him, to be like his death.

Or perhaps I can also be resurrected from the dead.

This doesn’t mean I already have it, it’s already complete. I am striving to pursue, or perhaps I can obtain Christ Jesus and therefore obtain myself. (So what I have or what the work requires me to have)

Brothers, I don’t think I already have it. I only have one thing, which is to forget what is behind my back and work hard in front of me,

Run straight towards the benchmark to receive the reward that God called me from above in Christ Jesus.

So any perfect person among us must always have such a heart. If you have a different kind of heart in any matter, God will also reveal it to you.

However, when we reach a certain point, we should walk according to the same direction.

Brothers, be imitators of me together, and pay attention to those who follow our example.

Because many people act as enemies of the cross of Christ. I have told you many times, and now I am telling you with tears in my eyes.

Their end is downfall, their God is their belly, and they glory in their shame, dedicated to the things of the earth.

We are the citizens of heaven. And wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from heaven.

He will transform our lowly body into a shape similar to his own glorious body, according to the great power that can make all things submit to him.


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