首页 Philippians Philippians_Chapter 2

Philippians_Chapter 2

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort in love, any fellowship in the Hol…

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort in love, any fellowship in the Holy Spirit, and any compassion and mercy in the heart,

You must have the same thoughts, the same love, the same thoughts, and the same thoughts, so that my joy can be satisfied.

Do not form cliques in anything, do not seek vain glory. As long as one is humble, everyone sees others as better than themselves.

Everyone should not only focus on their own affairs, but also on the affairs of others.

Take the heart of Christ Jesus as your heart.

He had the image of God and did not consider himself to be equal to God as a force.

On the contrary, he humbly took the image of a servant and became like a human.

Having the appearance of a man, he humbled himself, willingly obeyed, to the point of death, and died on the cross.

Therefore God elevated him to the highest and bestowed upon him a name exceeding ten thousand names,

Let all that is in heaven, on earth, and under earth bend their knees in the name of Jesus,

Everyone claims that Jesus Christ is the Lord, bringing glory to God the Father.

In this way, my dear brothers, since you are always obedient, not only am I with you, but I am not with you now, but you are also obedient. Let us fear and tremble, and work towards your salvation.

Because you are determined to do things, God is working in your hearts to fulfill His good will.

Do not complain or argue about anything you do,

To make you blameless, honest and without falsehood, children of God without blemish in this crooked and absurd generation. You appear in this generation like bright light shining,

Make clear the way of life, that I may boast in the day of Christ that I have not run away in vain or worked in vain.

I offer your faith as a sacrifice. If I be poured upon it, I also rejoice, and rejoice with all of you.

You shall also rejoice in the same way, and rejoice with me.

I hope through the Lord Jesus to quickly send Timothy to you, so that I may know your things and find comfort in my heart.

Because I have no one else with me, truly concerned about your affairs.

Others ask for their own things, not for the things of Jesus Christ.

But you know the testimony of Timothy, who prospered in the gospel and worked with me, treating me like a son to his father.

So as soon as I saw how my matter was going to end, I hoped to send him away immediately.

But I rely on the Lord, confident that I will also go quickly.

However, I think it is necessary to send Ephraim to your place. He is my brother, working with me and serving in the army. He was sent by you and provided for my needs.

He misses you all very much and is extremely sad because you heard that he is sick.

He is really sick, almost dying. However, God has mercy on him, not only on him, but also on me, so that I may not be burdened with more sorrow.

So I sent him more and more quickly, so that you may see him again, so that you may rejoice and I may have less sorrow.

Therefore, welcome him with joy and joy in the Lord. And we should respect such people.

Because for the work of Christ, he almost died, disregarding his life, to make up for the inadequacy of your supply to me.




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