首页 Malachi Book Malachi Book_Chapter 4

Malachi Book_Chapter 4

The Lord of hosts has said, ‘That day is approaching, like a burning furnace.’…

The Lord of hosts has said, ‘That day is approaching, like a burning furnace.’. All arrogant and wicked will be like stubble. On that day, it will be burned down and there will be no branches left.

But to those who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will appear. Its light has the power of healing (originally known as wings). You will come out and jump like fat calves in a circle.

You will trample on the wicked. On the day I have set, they will be like dust under your feet. This is what the Lord of armies has said.

Remember the law of my servant Moses, which I commanded him in Mount Horeb for all Israel.

See, before the great and terrifying day of the Lord comes, I will send the prophet Elijah to you.

He will turn the heart of his father to his children, and the heart of his children to his father, so that I may not come and curse the earth.




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