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Malachi Book_Chapter 1

The revelation that the Lord sent to Israel through Malachi. The Lord said, I have loved y…

The revelation that the Lord sent to Israel through Malachi.

The Lord said, I have loved you. But you say, in what way do you love us? The Lord said, Is not Esau Jacob’s brother? But I love Jacob,

Evil Esau has made his mountains desolate, and he has given his inheritance to the wild dogs of the wilderness.

The Edomites said, Although we are now destroyed, we will rebuild the wasteland. Thus says the Lord of hosts, Let them build, and I will demolish them. People will call their land a land of sin, their people a people forever angered by the Lord.

You will see with your own eyes and say, May the Lord be honored beyond the borders of Israel.

O priests who despise my name, the Lord of hosts says to you, ‘A son respects his father, and a servant respects his master.’. As a father, where is the one who respects me? Where is the one who fears me, even though I am my master? But you say, Why do we despise your name?

You offer unclean food on my altar and say, ‘In what way have we defiled you?’? For you say, The table of the Lord is contemptuous.

Is it not evil for you to offer the blind as a sacrifice? Is it not evil to offer the lame and sick? Do you present yourself to the governor of your province? Will he please you or show mercy to you? This is what the Lord of armies has said.

Now I urge you to plead with God so that he may be kind to us. Can he see your face when you handle this false offering? This is what the Lord of armies has said.

May one of you close the door of the temple, so that you may not set fire to my altar in vain. The Lord of hosts has said, I am not pleased with you, nor will I accept offerings from your hands.

The Lord of hosts has said, From the sunrise to the sunset, my name will be great among the nations. Everywhere, people will burn incense and offer clean offerings in my name. Because my name will be honored among the nations.

But you have blasphemed my name, saying, The table of the Lord is unclean, and the food on it is contemptuous.

You also say, how tedious these things are. And sneered at it. This is what the Lord of armies has said. Take the plundered, the lame, and the sick and offer them as sacrifices. How can I take it from your hands? This is what the Lord has said.

Cursed be the one who works deceitfully and has a ram in the flock, but makes a vow and offers a disabled one to the Lord. Because I am a great king, my name is feared among the nations. This is what the Lord of armies has said.




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