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Malachi Book_Chapter 3

The Lord of hosts has said, I will send my messengers to prepare the way before me. The Lo…

The Lord of hosts has said, I will send my messengers to prepare the way before me. The Lord whom you seek will suddenly enter his temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you admire, is about to come.

Who can afford the day he comes? Who can stand when he appears? Because he is like the fire of an alchemist, like the alkali of a drifter.

He will sit down like a refiner of silver, purify the Levites, and refine them like gold and silver. They offered offerings to the Lord in righteousness.

At that time, the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be accepted by the Lord, as in the days and years of old.

The Lord of hosts has said, I will come near you and execute judgment. I will quickly bear witness against those who practice sorcery, commit adultery, swear falsely, betray the wages of men, oppress widows and orphans, mistreat sojourners, and those who do not fear me.

Because I, the Lord, am unchanging, you, the sons of Jacob, have not perished.

The Lord of hosts has said, From the days of your ancestors, you have often deviated from my laws and have not kept them. Now if you want to turn to me, I will turn to you. But you asked. How do we turn?

How can humans seize the things of God? You have taken my offering, but you say, ‘In what way have we taken your offering?’? It is the tenth that you should receive and the offering that you should offer.

Because all your people throughout the country have taken my offering, a curse has come upon you.

The Lord of hosts has said, Take all the tithes that are due, and send them into the warehouse, so that my house may have food. Let this test me, whether I will open the windows of heaven for you, and pour blessings upon you, so that there is nowhere to be found.

The Lord of hosts has said, I will rebuke the devourer for you, and will not let it destroy your soil. Your vine in the field will not shed its fruit before it ripens.

The Lord of hosts has said, ‘The nations will call you blessed, for your land will become a land of joy.’.

The Lord said, You have spoken against me, and yet you say, What have we spoken against you?

You say, serving God is in vain; what profit is it to keep God’s commandments and to fast diligently before the Lord Almighty?

Nowadays, we call proud people blessed. And those who do evil must be established. Although they tried God, they were saved from disaster.

At that time, those who feared the Lord talked to each other. The Lord turned his ear and listened, and there was a memorial book before him, recording those who feared the Lord and remembered his name.

The Lord of hosts has said, “On the days I have set, they will belong to me, and they will be special to me. I will have mercy on them, just as one person has compassion on serving their own son.”.

At that time, you will return and bring back the good and the evil. Distinguish between those who serve God and those who do not serve God.


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